In this repository you will find news and changelog of our projects. This data is also available on our website and on Hackaday or Twitter or AllMyLinks, but for convenience, we decided to post it here as well, so that everyone can read our news posts without leaving GitHub.
Best Regards,
IoT-devices Team
Note: the nodes in the diagram are links that can be opened by right-clicking.
graph TD
PS4IoT_V1_1 -- 3V3 --> ESP12.OLED_V1
ESP12.OLED_V1 -- I2C bus --> I2CHUB_V1_1
ESP12.OLED_V1 -- I2C bus --> I2CUI4_V1_1
I2CUI4_V1_1 -- I2C bus --> I2CHUB_V1_2
I2CHUB_V1_1 -- I2C bus --> I2CUI4_V1_2
I2CHUB_V1_1 -- I2C bus --> I2CUI4_V1_3
ESP12.OLED_V1 -- GPIO ISR --> GGreg20_V3_1
ESP12.OLED_V1 -- GPIO ISR --> GGreg20_V3_2
ESP12.OLED_V1 -- GPIO ISR & UART --> GCemu20_V1
PS4IoT_V1_2 -- 3V3 --> DCDC_3V3_400V_V1
click PS4IoT_V1_1 href "" "Smart Power Supply - PS4IoT_V1 #1" _blank
click PS4IoT_V1_2 href "" "Smart Power Supply - PS4IoT_V1 #2" _blank
click ESP12.OLED_V1 href "" "ESP8266 MCU board - ESP12.OLED_V1" _blank
click I2CUI4_V1_1 href "" "MCP23017 I2C user interface 5-key keypad - I2CUI4_V1 #1" _blank
click I2CUI4_V1_2 href "" "MCP23017 I2C user interface 5-key keypad - I2CUI4_V1 #2" _blank
click I2CUI4_V1_3 href "" "MCP23017 I2C user interface 5-key keypad - I2CUI4_V1 #3" _blank
click GGreg20_V3_1 href "" "Geiger counter radiation detector - GGreg20_V3 #1" _blank
click GGreg20_V3_2 href "" "Geiger counter radiation detector - GGreg20_V3 #2" _blank
click GCemu20_V1 href "" "Geiger counter emulator - GCemu20_V1" _blank
click I2CHUB_V1_1 href "" "I2C bus interface splitter - I2CHUB_V1 #1" _blank
click I2CHUB_V1_2 href "" "I2C bus interface splitter - I2CHUB_V1 #2" _blank
click DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 href "" "High voltage converter - DCDC_3V3_400V_V1" _blank
Product links that are easy to remember:
IoT Module | Description | Easy Link |
ESP12.OLED_V1 | Universal ESP8266 MCU board with 0.96″ I2C 128×64 OLED and RGB LED | |
I2CUI4_V1 | MCP23017 I2C user interface 5-key keypad module with RGB LED and Buzzer and GPIOs | |
GGreg20_V3 | Geiger counter radiation detector with pulsed output | |
GCemu20_V1 | Geiger counter emulator | |
GGreg20_ES | Epoxy souvenir Geiger counter | |
DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 | High voltage converter | |
I2CHUB_V1 | I2C bus interface splitter | |
PS4IoT_V1 | Smart power supply unit for IoT projects (discontinued) | |
View the full list of easy links on our website.
Product | Website | Tindie | Etsy |
ESP12.OLED_V1 | Link | Link | |
I2CUI4_V1 | Link | Link | |
GGreg20_V3 | Link | Link | Link |
GCemu20_V1 | Link | Link | |
GGreg20_ES | Link | Link | Link |
DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 | Link | Link | Link |
I2CHUB_V1 | Link | Link | |
PS4IoT_V1 | discontinued | - | - |
Our company has conducted a thorough testing of the power consumption of the Geiger counter module GGreg20_V3, intended for use in DIY projects. The purpose of the study was to...
Problem solution - in the example for ESPHome firmware with ESP32 controller, the pulse counter stopped working...
EN: Application note on the use of the high-voltage converter DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 as a power supply for the Geiger-Muller tube
Нотатка про застосування високовольтного перетворювача DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 для живлення трубки Гейгера-Мюллера
Note on the use of the DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 high voltage converter by the user to power the Geiger-Muller tube or in other DIY / IoT projects...
Technical note on manual initial diagnostics of the GGreg20_V3 module with J305 tube to check the main module voltages at the control points and determine the module's operability...
EN: Mention of GGreg20_V3 in the book Educational and Amateur Geiger Counter Experiments by Francesco Riggi
Згадка GGreg20_V3 у книзі Educational and Amateur Geiger Counter Experiments авторства Francesco Riggi
Our site and the GGreg20_V3 DIY Geiger counter product are referenced by the author of the book Francesco Riggi, published by Springer in April 2024 under the title Educational and Amateur Geiger Counter Experiments...
Our Etsy store has been awarded the Etsy Star Seller badge for two months in a row. This was made possible thanks to our valued customers and the efforts of the IoT-devices team that designs, manufactures and ships our IoT and DIY products worldwide from Ukraine...
EN: Geiger tube J305 conversion factor: differences between the coefficient for source radiation power and absorbed dose. Technical note
Коефіцієнт перетворення трубки Гейгера J305: відмінності коефіцієнту для потужності випромінювання джерела та для поглинутої дози. Технічна нотатка
When calculating the conversion factor for the Geiger tube pulse count, we need to be aware of what exactly we want to get as the output....
We have already made a similar publication for the SBM20 Geiger tube. This time we bring to your attention an article dedicated to the equally popular J305 tube made in...
Everyone who is involved in DIY IoT projects is familiar with the LM75 temperature sensor. Termometer LM75 – it is a cheap and convenient sensor that has sufficient accuracy and measurement range...
Recently, the ESPHome firmware has been changed to prevent the same controller I/O ports from being reused to create different entities.....
We have come to the conclusion that we can significantly reduce the price of this wonderful product. And that is what we have done today....
We launch “Cyber Monday” 2023 campaign from 24.11 to 31.12 and set 10% discount when buying any of our modules on and Tindie and Etsy trading platforms.
Pay attention to our new charity product GGreg20_ES
As well as our popular modules:
GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector with J305 Geiger tube: ggreg20_v3 DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 module is a high voltage 3.3V DC to 400V converter: dcdc_3v3_400v_v1. I2CUI4_V1 User Interface – I2C module with 5-button keypad: i2cui4_v1
As participants in the DIY IoT market, we see that the same faulty or exhausted SBM-20 Geiger tubes are resold from hand to hand several times, because no one wants to lose potential profits...
An interesting work by experts from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute describes software methods for analyzing streaming data, in particular, for analyzing radiation pollution...
Great news! Several more customers have connected to the radiation detectors based on our GGreg20 radioactive particle detector module...
We’ve been planning to post a GGreg20_V3 configuration example for the Raspberry Pi Pico W since ESPHome started supporting this wonderful controller with wireless support. But after users started making projects for RPi with GGreg20_V3, and after Tom’s Hardware wrote about a project using Pico W...
We have created a "root" repository for the Geiger counter module GGreg20_V3. This is a special place where we will post and keep up-to-date all about this product....
We understand very well the difficulties of choosing for radio amateurs who have to choose between different options, including tubes, when ordering a product. When we developed GGreg20 in 2020, we did not know anything about these things at all. Now we can share our company’s experience with anyone who needs help or is just looking for more information...
The main goal of this publication is to correctly calculate and, if possible, understand where the conversion factors such as 8.77 and 0.0057 for the SBM20 tube, which are all published on the Internet, come from....
There are videos on the Internet showing that J305 tubes are very sensitive to UV rays. They literally go crazy under the influence of this type of radiation. We conducted our own quick UV test of Geiger tubes J305...
We wondered what would happen if we took our DIY Geiger counter module GGreg20_V3 and put it in a freezer with a target temperature of -23 Celsius together with the ESP32 controller. Will our sensor work at such a low temperature? Will we see any failures or deviations in the radiation sensor measurements?...
After we’ve built the emulator and programmed the ESP8266, we can test it to make sure it’s working correctly....
Welcome to the second part of our tutorial on building a hardware-software Geiger counter emulator module based on ESP8266. This emulator can be useful for testing and tuning Geiger counters or for educational purposes. Let’s get started!...
Welcome to our guide on building a hardware-software Geiger counter emulator of GGreg20_V3 module based on ESP8266. This emulator can be useful for testing and tuning Geiger counters or for educational purposes. Let’s get started!...
Kyiv, Ukraine – IoT-devices, LLC, a leading provider of innovative IoT solutions, is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest product, the GCemu20_V1 Geiger Counter Emulator with Pulse Output. This device’s key feature is its ability to simulate radiation levels using a built-in generator of true random numbers...
EN: Radioactive particle detector GGreg20_V3: a new option for selecting the Geiger-Muller tube J305
We are pleased to inform you about a new option that has been added to our module – the GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector. Now you can choose the J305 Geiger-Muller tube...
EN: Technical note on bug fixes in ESPHome firmware for ESP32 regarding GPIO and interrupt handler settings modes
UA: Технічна нотатка щодо виправлень у прошивці ESPHome для ESP32 стосовно режимів налаштувань GPIO та обробника переривань
To the attention of those users of the Geiger counter module GGreg20_V3 connected to the ESP32 microcontroller with ESPHome firmware who created their firmware earlier and have not yet had time to update it to the current version...
But this time, we have posted a repository on GitHub for those Home Assistant users who do not have their own GGreg20_V3 module or a spare controller such as ESP8266/ESP32/RPi with ESPHome firmware, but want to receive data from our radiation sensor near Kyiv...
This module can operate in two modes. The Geiger counter module GGreg20_V3 has built-in protection against reverse polarity. This function is realized by means of a Schottky diode...
EN: New YAML config for GGreg20_V3 and ESP32 with debouncing and input pulse port fine tuning on GitHub
UA: Новий YAML-конфіг для GGreg20_V3 та ESP32 з фільтрацією брязкоту та точними налаштуваннями порту вхідних імпульсів на GitHub
We have recently made a new GitHub repository dedicated for GGreg20_V3 + generic ESP32 with pulse counter GPIO debounce in microseconds up to SBM20 GM tube’s deadtime...
Examples of interesting projects in which our clients have used the GGReg20_V3 module...
UA: У нашій Київській лабораторії зараз розробляється нова серія продуктів IoT для кінцевих користувачів
We are not revealing the new line of our devices yet, but we are already demonstrating how the firmware code is being developed....
Sometimes readers and users ask questions about the ability of the GGreg20_V3 – Geiger counter module to measure the maximum power of ionizing radiation...
Our clients spoke about the features of using the GGreg20_v3 module. We are grateful for the high rating!
The next batch of GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation Geiger counters are being tested at the IoT-devices LLC laboratory in Kyiv
Please note that from September 1, 2022 , the function of high voltage regulation has been removed. The voltage level of 400 volts is fixed by hardware means....
EN: Connecting the GGreg20_V3 Radiation Sensor to the Home Assistant Server via ESP Home Integration
We offer you the procedure of connecting the GGreg20 Geiger counter (sensor) in combination with the main controller ESP8266 or ESP32 to the Home Assistant server via the ESP Home plug-in...
We have a main system controller and several devices with an I2C interface that need to be connected to it. Most microcontrollers (MCUs) are miniature devices and have a very limited budget for free I / O ports. Typically, on Arduino / ESP8266 / ESP32 / STM32 controllers, only one interface can be reserved for the I2C bus (even if there are two) – two GPIO ports for SDA and SCL signal channels...
The company IoT-devices, LLC has shared the case a 3D model for the GGreg20_V3 module for personal use by anyone.
This document is for the attention of those users who are going to connect two GGreg20_V3 and ESP12.OLED modules together.
If you have a controller with a GGreg20_V3 radiation detector module that periodically sends data to the ThingSpeak server, you can also easily connect it to your Home Assistant server as well. In this publication we will look at why this might be necessary and how to do it.
The product of the Ukrainian technology company IoT-devices LLC – the ionizing radiation detector module GGreg20_V3 – was placed in the Popular Products section of the Tindie Marketplace website! What a week! The IoT-devices LLC team is grateful and thanks the DIY community and customers for choosing and trusting our product!
Indeed, why not add such a convenient interface to the module? Here is our next article where we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of equipping the GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector module with an I2C interface.
EN: The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is installed in Budapest, Pest, Hungary and connected to the service
UA: Детектор радіоактивних частинок GGreg20_V3 встановлено в Budapest, Pest, Hungary та підключено до сервісу
Great news! Another of our clients connected the purchased GGreg20_V3 module to the service. The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is installed in Budapest, Pest, Hungary and connected to the service.
EN: The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector is installed in Dornstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany and connected to the service
UA: Детектор радіоактивних частинок GGreg20_V3 встановлено в Dornstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany та підключено до сервісу
Accidentally found a product manufactured by our company at work in Germany. The GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector with the SBM-20 is installed in Dornstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany and connected to service.
The GGreg20_v3 radioactive particle detector can now be ordered in 4 different configurations. When ordering, the customer chooses one of the following options...
Kyiv. Ukraine. The IoT-devices LLC team has developed and made available on GitHub an example in Lua for its GGreg20_V3 product, which can be used for ESP8266 and ESP32 controllers with NodeMCU firmware.
Kyiv. Ukraine. The driver library for the GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector manufactured by IoT-devices LLC has been approved and added to the official Library Manager, which is a component of the Arduino IDE development environment.
EN: IoT-devices LLC announces the development of a new driver library for the GGreg20_V3 module for the popular Arduino platform
UA: IoT-devices LLC повідомляє про розробку нової бібліотеки драйверів модуля GGreg20_V3 для популярної платформи Arduino
Kyiv. Ukraine. IoT-devices LLC announces the development of a new driver library for the GGreg20_V3 module for the popular Arduino platform.
To the attention of owners of controllers with a voltage level of 5V on GPIO (such as Arduino) to which GGreg20_V3 with 3V3 logic is connected.
We decided to contribute to the development of open source software for the Arduino platform and developed a training example in the WOKWI simulator for our popular GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector module, which works in conjunction with the Arduino UNO controller.
EN: The ionizing radiation detector module IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 is included in the list of devices compatible with Tasmota
UA: Модуль детектора іонізуючої радіації IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 увійшов у перелік пристроїв сумісних з Tasmota
IoT-devices reports that the company’s GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector module has been added to the official list of peripherals supported by Tasmota firmware with a corresponding reference to the driver repository.
The example repository for the GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector module has been included in the list of the top-100 open source projects ESPHome / Home Assistant, curated by Awesome Open Source.
The IoT-devices team developed, tested and made available on GitHub a ready-to-use GGreg20_V3 driver for ESP32 with Tasmota firmware and Berry scripting language.
EN: Ionizing Radiation Detector GGreg20_V3 – the ability for customers to have the module delivered from the warehouse in the USA
UA: Детектор радіоактивних частинок GGreg20_V3 – можливість для клієнтів замовляти модуль з доставкою США – США
Information for those who planned to buy our popular module GGreg20_V3 but didn’t want to wait long for delivery.
Most IoT devices support the I2C interface as basic. Moreover, the support of the I2C bus is usually a decisive factor in the selection of chips in our projects. But any system has not only advantages. There are also shortcomings and hidden problems that we reveal in the publications.