This is a C++ tool to flash firmware to our boards over UART.
The folder containing the header files is called Schmi as the firmware is the force, and Schmi is Anakin's mother, Schmi indirectly gave the force to Anakin.
This branch contains all the source code and tests with implemenations to run with the "std" libraries and posix serial.
You will need Cmake in order to build and run this repository.
Here is an example on how to use the library:
std::string binary_file = "binaries/0x100016_iq2306_2200kv.bin";
std::cout << "Binary to flash: " << binary_file << "\n\n";
Schmi::ErrorHandlerStd error;
Schmi::BinaryFileStd bin(binary_file);
Schmi::SerialPosix ser("/dev/ttyUSB0");
Schmi::LoadingBarStd bar;
Schmi::FlashLoader fl(&ser, &bin, &error, &bar);
fl.Flash(true, false);
Schmi is build without the use of the std library. This allows you to implment schmi on nearly any platform.
To do so you just need to implement a few interfaces specific to your platform:
- binary_file_interface.hpp
- error_handler_interface.hpp
- loading_bar_interface.hpp
- serial_interface.hpp
These interfaces are already implemented if you can use the std library and Posix. You can use these implementations as example.
After building the repository with Cmake, a test binary should be automatically created. This also integrates automatically with the Cmake extension of vscode.
we use a .clang-format for coding style (from the Cpp style guide)
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Raphael Van Hoffelen