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* also fixed Smart relational
* and lotsa stuff
  • Loading branch information
iquasere committed Jan 8, 2021
1 parent 43436cf commit 6dfb7ba
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 102 deletions.
192 changes: 90 additions & 102 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import datetime
from multiprocessing import Pool
from time import gmtime, strftime

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,11 +302,20 @@ def write_table(table, output, out_format='excel', header=True):
table.to_csv(output + '.tsv', index=False, sep='\t', header=header)

def multi_sheet_excel(writer, data, sheet_name='Sheet', lines=1000000, index=False):
i = 0
j = 1
while i + lines < len(data):
data.iloc[i:(i + lines)].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='{} ({})'.format(sheet_name, str(j)), index=index)
j += 1
data.iloc[i:len(data)].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='{} ({})'.format(sheet_name, str(j)), index=index)
return writer

def create_krona_plot(tsv, output=None):
if output is None:
output = tsv.replace('.tsv', '.html')
conda_exec = subprocess.check_output('which conda'.split()).decode('utf8')
run_command('ktImportText {} -o {}'.format(conda_exec.split('/bin')[0], tsv, output))
run_command('ktImportText {} -o {}'.format(tsv, output))

def main():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,113 +385,90 @@ def main():
if inputted_db:
cddid = parse_cddid('{}/cddid_all.tbl'.format(args.resources_directory))
timed_message("Converting CDD IDs to databases' IDs")
pbar = ProgressBar()
for db in pbar(args.databases):
db_report = parse_blast('{}/{}_aligned.blast'.format(args.output, db))
db_report = pd.merge(db_report, cddid, left_on='sseqid', right_on='CDD ID', how='left')
del db_report['CDD ID']
db_report.to_csv('{}/{}_report.tsv'.format(args.output, db), sep='\t', index=False)

# Load the relational tables
cddid = parse_cddid('{}/cddid_all.tbl'.format(args.resources_directory))
ncbi_table = pd.read_csv('{}/hmm_PGAP.tsv'.format(args.resources_directory), sep='\t', usecols=[1, 10, 12, 15])
ncbi_table['source_identifier'] = [ide.split('.')[0] for ide in ncbi_table['source_identifier']]
ncbi_table['source_identifier'] = ncbi_table['source_identifier'].str.replace('PF', 'pfam')
for db in ['CDD', 'Pfam', 'NCBIfam', 'Protein_Clusters', 'TIGRFAM']:
if db in args.databases:
report = pd.read_csv('{}/{}_report.tsv'.format(args.output, db), sep='\t')
report = pd.merge(report, ncbi_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='source_identifier', how='left')
report.to_csv('{}/{}_report.tsv'.format(args.output, db), sep='\t', index=False)
if 'Smart' in args.databases:
smart_table = pd.read_csv('{}/'.format(args.resources_directory),
sep='\t', skiprows=2, header=None, usecols=[1, 2])
smart_table.columns = ['Smart ID', 'Smart description']
report = pd.read_csv('{}/Smart_report.tsv'.format(args.output), sep='\t')
report = pd.merge(report, smart_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='Smart ID', how='left')
report.to_csv('{}/Smart_report.tsv'.format(args.output, db), sep='\t', index=False)
fun = pd.read_csv('{}/fun.tsv'.format(args.resources_directory), sep='\t')

if 'KOG' in args.databases:
kog_table = parse_kog('{}/kog'.format(args.resources_directory))
kog_table = pd.merge(kog_table, fun, left_on='KOG functional category (letter)',
right_on='COG functional category (letter)', how='left')
report = pd.read_csv('{}/KOG_report.tsv'.format(args.output), sep='\t')
report = pd.merge(report, kog_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='kog', how='left')
report.to_csv('{}/KOG_report.tsv'.format(args.output), sep='\t', index=False)

if 'COG' in args.databases:
# Add COG categories to BLAST info
cog_table = parse_whog('{}/'.format(args.resources_directory))
cog_table = pd.merge(cog_table, fun, on='COG functional category (letter)', how='left')
report = pd.read_csv('{}/COG_report.tsv'.format(args.output), sep='\t')
report = pd.merge(report, cog_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='cog', how='left')
report.to_csv('{}/COG_report.tsv'.format(args.output), sep='\t', index=False)

# cog2ec
timed_message('Converting COG IDs to EC numbers.')
report = cog2ec(report, table=args.resources_directory + '/cog2ec.tsv',

# cog2ko
timed_message('Converting COG IDs to KEGG Orthologs.')
report = cog2ko(report, cog2ko=args.resources_directory + '/cog2ko.tsv')

if not args.no_blast_info:
final_result = final_result[['qseqid', 'CDD ID', 'COG general functional category',
'COG functional category', 'COG protein description', 'cog', 'pident',
'length', 'mismatch', 'gapopen', 'qstart', 'qend', 'sstart', 'send',
'evalue', 'bitscore']]
final_result = final_result[['qseqid', 'CDD ID', 'COG general functional category',
'COG functional category', 'COG protein description', 'cog']]
# adding protein sequences if requested
if not args.no_output_sequences:
fasta = parse_fasta(args.file)
fasta = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(fasta, orient='index')
fasta.columns = ['Sequence']
final_result = pd.merge(final_result, fasta, left_on='qseqid',
right_index=True, how='left')
# write protein to COG assignment
out_format = 'tsv' if args.tsv else 'excel'
args.output + '/protein2cog',
timed_message('Protein ID to COG and EC number is available at {}.'.format(
args.output + '/protein2cog'))
# quantify COG categories
timed_message('Quantifying COG categories.')
cog_quantification = final_result.groupby(['COG general functional category',
'COG functional category', 'COG protein description', 'cog']).size(
).reset_index().rename(columns={0: 'count'})
args.output + '/cog_quantification',
timed_message('COG categories quantification is available at {}.'.format(
args.output + '/cog_quantification'))
# represent that quantification in krona plot
timed_message('Creating Krona plot representation.')
write_table(cog_quantification[['count'] + cog_quantification.columns.tolist()[:-1]],
args.output + '/krona',
create_krona_plot(args.output + '/krona.tsv', args.output + '/cog_quantification.html')
timed_message("Organizing annotation results")
blast_cols = ['pident', 'length', 'mismatch', 'gapopen', 'qstart', 'qend', 'sstart', 'send', 'evalue', 'bitscore']

i = 1
j = len(args.databases)
for db in args.databases:
cols = ['qseqid', 'sseqid', 'DB ID', 'DB description']
print('[{}/{}] Handling {} identifications'.format(i, j, db))
report = parse_blast('{}/{}_aligned.blast'.format(args.output, db))
report = pd.merge(report, cddid, left_on='sseqid', right_on='CDD ID', how='left')
del report['CDD ID']

# adding protein sequences if requested
if not args.no_output_sequences:
fasta = parse_fasta(args.file)
fasta = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(fasta, orient='index')
fasta.columns = ['Sequence']
report = pd.merge(report, fasta, left_on='qseqid', right_index=True, how='left')
cols += ['Sequence']

if db in ['CDD', 'Pfam', 'NCBIfam', 'Protein_Clusters', 'TIGRFAM']:
report = pd.merge(report, ncbi_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='source_identifier', how='left')
cols += ['product_name', 'ec_number', 'taxonomic_range_name']

elif db == 'Smart':
smart_table = pd.read_csv('{}/'.format(args.resources_directory),
sep='\t', skiprows=2, header=None, usecols=[1, 2])
smart_table.columns = ['Smart ID', 'Smart description']
smart_table['Smart ID'] = smart_table['Smart ID'].str.replace('SM', 'smart')
report = pd.merge(report, smart_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='Smart ID', how='left')
cols += ['Smart description']

elif db == 'KOG':
kog_table = parse_kog('{}/kog'.format(args.resources_directory))
kog_table = pd.merge(kog_table, fun, left_on='KOG functional category (letter)',
right_on='COG functional category (letter)', how='left')
report = pd.merge(report, kog_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='kog', how='left')
cols += ['COG general functional category', 'COG functional category', 'KOG protein description']

cog_table = parse_whog('{}/'.format(args.resources_directory))
cog_table = pd.merge(cog_table, fun, on='COG functional category (letter)', how='left')
report = pd.merge(report, cog_table, left_on='DB ID', right_on='cog', how='left')
report.to_csv('{}/COG_report.tsv'.format(args.output), sep='\t', index=False)
# cog2ec
report = cog2ec(report, table=args.resources_directory + '/cog2ec.tsv',
# cog2ko
report = cog2ko(report, cog2ko=args.resources_directory + '/cog2ko.tsv')

cols += ['COG general functional category', 'COG functional category', 'COG protein description',
'EC number', 'KO']

# COG quantification
cog_quantification = report.groupby(
['COG general functional category', 'COG functional category', 'COG protein description', 'cog']).size(
).reset_index().rename(columns={0: 'count'})
cog_quantification[['count'] + cog_quantification.columns.tolist()[:-1]].to_csv(
'{}/COG_quantification.tsv'.format(args.output), sep='\t')
create_krona_plot('{}/krona.tsv'.format(args.output), '{}/cog_quantification.html'.format(args.output))

cols += blast_cols

report[cols].to_csv('{}/{}_report.tsv'.format(args.output, db), sep='\t', index=False)
i += 1

timed_message('Organizing all results at {}/reCOGnizer_results.xlsx'.format(args.output))
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('{}/reCOGnizer_results.xlsx'.format(args.output), engine='xlsxwriter')
pbar = ProgressBar()
for base in pbar(args.databases):
multi_sheet_excel(writer, pd.read_csv('{}/{}_report.tsv'.format(args.output, base), sep='\t'), sheet_name=base)

if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
print('reCOGnizer analysis finished in {}'.format(strftime("%Hh%Mm%Ss", gmtime(time.time() - start_time))))

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