Welcome to the Trivia Quiz Game! 🚀 This game was created during week 3 of a coding bootcamp, showing off my newly acquired JavaScript skills like DOM manipulation, API fetching, and event handling. It’s a fun, fast-paced True or False quiz, with questions pulled straight from an external API! 🎮
The game fetches 10 random True/False questions from the Open Trivia Database API. Players get immediate feedback after answering and can track their score. At the end, your final score is displayed. Can you get 10/10? 🌟
- Start the Game: Hit the "PLAY" button to kick things off! 💥
- Answer Questions: Choose "True" or "False" for each question. 🧐
- Feedback: After each answer, see if you’re right or wrong. 👍👎
- Next Question: Click "Continue" to move to the next question.
- Final Score: After all 10 questions, see your total score! 🎉
Good luck and have fun! 💡 Ready to play? 😎
Play Again:
- If you'd like to try again, click the "Play Again" button on the final score screen to restart the game.
To set up and run the Trivia Quiz Game locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository:
git clone <repo link>
- Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd game_practice
- Open index.html in your preferred browser:
open game.html
Or, drag the index.html file directly into your browser.