PageKeeper is a library management application built with Angular and Angular Material, designed specifically for librarians.
It enables librarians to view, add, edit, and delete data related to customers, books, and reservations, streamlining their workflow and providing an efficient way to manage library records.
- Customer Management: Add, edit, delete, and view customer details, including search and sorting functionality.
- Book Management: View, add, edit, and delete book records.
- Reservation Management: Keep track of reservations, and add or release reservation.
- Form Validations: Ensures data integrity with input validation for all form fields.
Technologies Used
- Angular: Framework for building the front-end of the application.
- Angular Material: Provides Material Design components for an enhanced UI experience.
- RxJS: Used for handling asynchronous operations.
- TypeScript: Programming language for better code structure and type-checking.
- Sass: Preprocessor for CSS, used for easier and more organized styling.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.