This project aims to take note and show about build up a data pipeline on AWS.
Thank for Mr Andreas who coach me at The Data Engineering Academy
- Ingestion pipeline:
- Client send make HTTP request POST data via API Gateway to Lambda function
- Lambda function write data to Kenesis streaming then response to client
Stream pipeline:
2.1 Stream to raw storage
- Kenesis send data to Lambda function
- Lamda function wait for some time before write data to queue to S3 bucket as files
2.2 Stream to DynamoDB pipeline
- Kenesis trigger lambda function
- Lambda function reformat or preprocessing messages
- Lambda function write data to DynamoDB
Batch pipeline:
- Cloud watch trigger Lambda function
- Bulk import from S3 bucket
- Lambda function write data to DynamoDB or Redshift
Visualization pipeline
3.1 Client request data
- Client requets data to view
- Web UI call Lambda function for processing data
- Lambda query in DynamoDB to fetch to client
3.2 Visualize Redshift datawarehouse
- Kenesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream (KDFDS) connect to pull data from Kenesis Data Stream (KDS)
- KDFDS write data to temporary storage is S3 bucket
- Kenesis Firehose copy data from S3 bucket to Redshift
- BI tool connect to Redshift to visualize data