Python-built telegram bot used to interact with PLEX, Transmission and a private torrent tracker.
Telegram service - A telegram bot with the following functionalities:
Download a movie -> Present IMDB id, IMDB link or movie title. Bot will match movie title with an IMDB id or loop through viable options until it finds a match and:
- Asks for confirmation on the match.
- Check in user movies database if the movie was seen before. (notifies if True)
- Check if the movie (in any resolution) is already downloaded. (notifies if True)
- Pulls available torrents for the movie
- If user chooses one, bot sends a download request to the transmission client
- If user doesn't choose any resolution bot will ask if movie should be added to watchlist. In this case the user will be notified if any resolution other than these already presented becomes available.
Watchlist notification -> When a new torrent was added for any movie in the watchlist. If the user accepts, torrent is set to download, else the user will receive updates only on other resolutions for that particular movie. These notifications can be disabled via the /change_watchlist command.
Download finished notification -> User receives notification when download is finished.
Check download progress -> Returns a list of the status of the last 10 torrents downloaded by the user.
Upload viewing activity -> User can upload a .csv file with his viewing activity.
- Table format should be
which is the default export file from Netflix. - Only movies will be picked up from the file.
- For any unrated movie the user will be or not (depending on his answer to the Y/N choice) prompted to rate that specific title after the import.
- If he wishes to import already rated titles the user can
choose to add another column with ratings,
. (scale 1-10). These will be automatically picked up. - Any ratings and seen dates will be overwritten.
- IMDB ratings and PLEX seen dates do have prevalence and will not be overwritten.
- User gets notified when the process is finished and how many of the entries were movies, how many were soap series and how many were already in the database.
- Table format should be
Download viewing activity -> Downloads a .csv with all user activity (imdb ids, titles, seen dates, and ratings)
Rate a title -> User can rate titles via the bot.
- Rate a new title: Similar to download movie, user provides id, link or movie name, matches the movie and rates it.
- Rate seen movies: Bot picks up any unrated movies from DB (after the .csv import for example) and the user can rate them one by one.
- PLEX triggered title rate: When a PLEX user finishes watching a movie, he/she will receive a telegram message asking if he wants to rate that movie.
Manage users and authentication -> User management is done through telegram.
- Initial authentication is done thorough the
which is mentioned in the .env file. The first user starting the chat with the bot and providing that password will be registered as admin. email
is used to send an invitation and register the user to id
is used to sync user's ratings and watchlist (if public)- The admin has access to
(with the optional-admin
flag). This command generates a 24-hour available token. Give the token to the person you want to join and it will serve as initial one time password for him. If the-admin
flag is used he will be able to generate tokens as well. Has no effect on PLEX roles. update_user
command is available for all users allowing them to retake the login process thus changing their email and/or imdb_id and other preferences.
- Initial authentication is done thorough the
MyIMDB service - Background routine with the following functions:
- Syncs IMDB ratings given by the user with our database.
- Syncs IMDB watchlist with our database.
- Syncs PLEX user activity / ratings with our database.
- Syncs transmission client torrent status wih our database.
- Sends notifications regarding seen PLEX movies via telegram.(after watching a movie on PLEX, the user receives a notification to rate the title)
- Sends notifications regarding watchlist via telegram.(when a watchlist movie becomes available on filelist, the user receives a notification asking if he wants to download the movie. If not, he will continue to receive notifications for the movie except for the movie quality that he rejected.
- Sends notification if a torrent is seeding for more than (grace_time, default 60 days). User can choose to delete it and the files, keep (for another grace_time period) or to keep it forever and not ask. If user chooses none, he will be pinged daily.
- Defaults to 1 minute routine, can be changed via the .env variables.
Newsletter service - Gets the last 100 new filelist torrents, filters out any seen movies (for each user), pulls data from IMDB, TMDB and OMDB and sends the newsletter. All torrents sent out are stored in a database such as when a new torrent for an already newsletter-sent movie appears it will figure in another category.
TorrAPI - An API which receives download requests from the Telegram service or from the Newsletter service and communicates with the Transmission docker in order to download these movies.
- make sure you have
- Assign a local static ip to your server.
- (PLEX, NEWSLETTER) Get a static public domain name (free on RDS from account).
- (NEWSLETTER) open port 9092.
- (PLEX) open port 32400.
- (PLEX) get PLEX token:
- OMDB and TMDB API keys(are both free).
- Clone repo on server
- If you're not planning to use PLEX:
- Delete plex service from docker-compose.yml
- If you don't want the NEWSLETTER function at all:
- Delete the newsletter service from docker-compose.yml
- Create a .env file in the root folder. A template has been provided as env_example. Careful for
signs not to have spaces between key and value:HOST=localhost
is ok while this is not:HOST = localhost
. Fill in everything. - Run
sudo docker-compose up -d --build
. Flags: -d meansdetached
will rebuild images from scratch. - Docker-compose also contains PgAdmin (to check out the database). It can be removed.
- Recommend using Portrainer to manage docker containers.
- Start all services (rebuild them):
sudo docker-compose up -d --build --remove-orphans
- Stop all services:
sudo docker-compose down
- Recreate one service
sudo docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --no-deps -d filelist_service
sudo docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --no-deps -d postgres_db