This is a simple tool to buffer & forward iSpindel & eManometer data to various services like
- Local iSpindel Server
- Ubidots
- CraftBeerPi3
- and more to come
It can be configured very flexibly so that data from different iSpindels / eManometers can be forwarded to different services, i.e. different CraftBeerPi instances.
Please see the example-config.json as a reference.
Another thing this daemon does is buffering data from the iSpindel / eManometer if the internet connection is dead.
Originally I was using the local iSpindel-TCP-Server to forward iSpindel data to ubidots etc but with a recent change that programm requires a MySQL database to be run and thus it's not useable for me anymore for my usecase. Moreover, it doesn't support buffering of the data.
(Note: If you want to use the buffering feature with the local iSpindel Server you currently have to use my fork of the local iSpindel server, to allow the timestamp to be transmitted over the network rather than beeing generated by the server script itself)
Some use cases:
- It allows you to very flexibly change were you want your iSpindel data to be sent without having to reconfigure your iSpindel every time. Or to send data to multiple services, since the iSpindel itself only allows to configure one service.
- Imagine you fermantation chamber doesn't have an internet and is relying on a very flaky 3G/LTE connection to send it's data to the internet (Like in my case). The connection sometimes drops or is very slow so that the iSpindel runs quickly into timeouts while trying to transmit the data (presumely to save battery power). This script can act as a relay for the iSpindel. Running for example on an Raspi in the same local network as your iSpindel this script will buffer the data from the iSpindel and send it out once the internet connection is back again.
Here is an example configuration
/* The port number the script will listen to */
"port": 9502,
/* Array of devices. Just add an entry for each device */
"devices": {
/* The name of the object must match the name that is transmitted
by the iSpindel / eManometer
type can be "iSpindel" or "eManometer" */
"iSpindel000": {
"type": "iSpindel",
/* An array of forwarders for this device. Multiple forwarders of the
same type can be defined and each forwarder will be buffered
"forwarders": [
/* Forward to CraftbeerPi3. You need the iSpindel module for craftbeer installed */
"type": "craftbeerpi3",
"ip": "",
/* Send the angle instead of the tilt. If you want to configure the polynom from
within Cbpi3 than set this to true. Most people will want this to be false */
"send-angle": false
/* Forward to ubidots */
"type": "ubidots",
/* API key */
"token": "xxxx"
/* generic-tcp is to forward to the local iSpindel-TCP Server or another instance of
this script
"type": "generic-tcp",
"ip": "",
"port": 9501
/* Forward to thingspeak */
"type": "thingspeak",
/* API key for the channel */
"token": "abcdef",
/* You need to define fields for the specific items. If an item is missing or set the
null than it won't be transmitted to thingspeak */
"field-gravity": 0,
"field-temperature": 1,
"field-angle": 2,
"field-battery": null,
"field-rssi": null,
"eManometer000": {
"type": "eManometer",
"forwarders": [
"type": "generic-tcp",
"ip": "",
"port": 9501
"type": "thingspeak",
"token": "abcdef",
"field-temperature": 0,
"field-co2": 1,
"field-pressure": 2