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Masatomo-Onishi edited this page Nov 7, 2014 · 1 revision

In order to use the oculus_move package without Oculus Rift, there is not so much you need to do: Take only the oculus_move directoty, the environmental_model and the smartpal5_description, put them in your catkin workspace, and use the catckin_make command.

The main program that computes almost everything, and allows you to give the robot some tasks to do is "oculus_move"

rosrun oculus_move oculus_move

Four virtual terminals will be displayed, and you can use the one asking for a task to send the robot a request. Please read the code to find out what tasks are available (tms_rs_action)

You should then lauch rviz with the right option. Hopefully, there is a launch file that does that for you.

roslaunch smartpal5_description smartpal5_visualisation-env.lauch 

If you want to use Oculus, then please go the wiki right wiki page (here) and follow the installation steps.

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