Islands Wars is a Minecraft sky block server.
Basic development rules and how to contribute.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- JDK is the Java Development Kit, Islands Wars need version 21 or higher.
We use git flow as branching-model, simply init a new feature :
$> git flow feature start featureName
$> git add file
$> git commit -m "Clear commit message"
$> git flow feature publish featureName
And then open a new pull request. In the case that you see an error on production (master branch), you can supply a PR using hotfix instead of a feature. Please refer to this cheatsheet if you are new to git flow and wants to learn the basics.
Compile your modifications using gradle :
$> ./gradlew or gradlew task
Adopting the Google Java Style with the following changes:
A source file consists of, in order:
* Package statement
* Import statements
* Default generated header (Cf 2.2 Header)
* Exactly one top-level class
* All class variables
Exactly one blank line separates each section that is present.
Our block indent is +4 characters
Our line length is 200 characters.
Please use our project's code style and import him in Intellij Idea. Be concise when naming method, var, class according to Java standard naming conventions. Write a good commit message.
Import and use this header when contributing, or your code will be rejected.
Comment every public method you create and also whatever you judge necessary (a long stream for example).
Project members and contributors :
- Xharos :
- Initial works, lead dev