Yusuf Hadiwinata Sutandar @Biznet-Gio Cloud
1 VM with:
- 2 GB Ram
- 2-4 Core CPU
- 20 Gb disk space
- Additional disk for docker persistent storage lvm
- Install Centos 7.3 Minimal Install
- Setting /etc/hosts file point to your domain fqdn "contoh: openshift.example.com"
- You can bring your own laptop and provide the VM or you can use Cloud services like amazon/Digital-Ocean/etc
- Internet Connection on VM
Openshift Installation
- openshift-origin-quickstart.md = Quick all-in-one install
- openshift-origin-from-source.txt = Installing from Souce / Latest Release (optional)
- openshift-enterprise.txt = Openshit Enterprise on Red Hat 7 (optional)
Docker Orchestration using Openshift
Auto-Scaling using Openshift
Source to Image deployment
Pipeline for CI/CD