This Github repository includes the code and infrastructure set up for the IoT Datahub with tenant application delpoyment. This project has been implemented by Huu Ha Nguyen and Thomas Man-Gang Cheung with the instruction and supervisor from Professor Hong-Linh Truong, Professor Phu. Phung, Dr. Phu Nguyen.
The platform is proposed to be a multi-regional-hubs system that connects with the Cloud for data exchange. The hubs serve the clients in its region and based on the data collected, it aggregates the corresponding data to become contexts and sends them to the Cloud. The cloud receives that context data to process and sends management commands to the hubs.
Considering the connection between a specific hub with the cloud, there are several services are set up tied to 2 types: Cloud services: The services that runs on the cloud for management including MongoDB, Kafka, Context-based interpretation worker, Local Policy Synchronizer. Hub Services Hub-specific services: The must-have services on the hub to automate the data management on the Hubs such as Local Policy Synchronizer, Virtual MQTT, Context Sensing, etc Tenant-specific services: The services that are set up for each tenant on the hubs such as OPA. These components connect tightly together that create 3 main operations: Data publishing and subscribing Tenant-specific policy generation Tenant-specific context data generation
On every hub, multiple hub-specific applications are the data gateways for the clients to connect to. These applications need to connect to the OPA, a tenant-specific application, for authorization for per requests.
In this research, we have implemented two applications using MQTT protocol and RTMP protocols.
│ readme\img
│ └───Cloud-Kafka
│ | - docker-compose.yml
│ | -
│ └───Cloud-Mongo
│ | - docker-compose.yml
│ | -
│ | - datahub
│ └───ManagerApps
│ |───API
│ | - Dockerfile
│ | - *.js files
│ |───Context-Interpretation-Worker
│ | - Dockerfile
│ | - *.js files
│ |───Policy-Generator
│ | - Dockerfile
│ | - *.js files
│ | - docker-compose.yml
│ | -
│ └───ManagerApps
│ | |───ContextSensing
│ | | - Dockerfile
│ | | - *.js files
│ └───OPA
│ | |───ContextSensing
│ | | - Dockerfile
│ | | - *.js files
│ └───Policy-Synchronizer
│ | |───ContextSensing
│ | | - Dockerfile
│ | | - *.js files
│ └───Streaming-Auth
│ | |───ContextSensing
│ | | - Dockerfile
│ | | - *.js files
│ | Streaming-Service
│ | |───ContextSensing
│ | | - Dockerfile
│ | | - *.js files
│ | VirtualMQTT
│ | |───ContextSensing
│ | | - Dockerfile
│ | | - *.js files
│ └───TenantApps
│ |───Apps
│ | |───Tenant1
│ | | |───FireDetectorKitchen
│ | |───Tenant2
│ | | |───PersonCountCity
│ | | |───PersonCountFireKitchen
│ |───forward_proxy
│ | - docker-compose.yml
│ | -
│ | -
│ | -
│ | -
│ └───Tenant-1:
│ |───Surveillance-Camera-City
│ |───Surveillance-Camera-Kitchen
│ Tenant-2:
│ |───FireAlertServer
│ Tenant-Web
The sample data is in the folder: Cloud/Infrastructure/seed
Prerequisite: You must install docker and docker-compose on your computer
- Start cloud infrastructure: Kafka and MongoDB
- If initial tenant, policy and context data are not imported then seed MongoDB
- Start Cloud Manager Apps
- Start Hub Services and tenant applications
Start off with running the system as described above.
- Start application for vizualization of the results
Start Publisher
- Start application for vizualization of the results
- Ensure that hardcoded IP address in
refers to private IP of your host machine (often192.168.1.156
, but not necessarily) This IP address is used to loopback to host from docker container (when host network is not used) when running upstream application on localhost.
Start Publisher