This build uses a patch of the EMMA Jar, the source code for the patch is available from:
The latest version of the patched emma is available from /ext folder.
To build Narayana you should have installed: Java 1.6.0 or greater
To build Narayana you should call:
./build.[sh|bat] <maven_goals>
To use this wrapper to build an individual module (say arjuna) you would type:
./build.[sh|bat] clean install -pl :arjuna
If you are using a different maven installation to the one provided in tools/maven you need to make sure you have the following options:
-Dorson.jar.location=/full/path/to/checkout/location/ext/orson-0.5.0.jar -Demma.jar.location=/full/path/to/checkout/location/ext/emma.jar
If you want to be able to cd into a folder to call our shipped maven or a version of maven not shipped with our project (on linux):
1. Create a file called $HOME/bin/txmvn (assuming $HOME/bin is in the path)
2. Add the following contents to this file:
EXT_JARS="-Demma.jar.location=\${user.home}/projects/narayana/trunk/ext/emma.jar -Dorson.jar.location=\${user.home}/projects/narayana/trunk/ext/orson-0.5.0.jar"
mvn $EXT_JARS $@
3. Ensure that $HOME/bin/txmvn is executable
4. type something like "txmvn clean install"
NOTE: This does not set the memory options etc that build.[sh|bat] does so you will need to update this script to reflect our changes in build.[sh|bat]
To speed up the build, several profiles are provided to restrict what is built. The available options are:
- all This builds everything
- docs This builds the documentation only
- core This builds the common and arjunacore modules
- jta This builds common, arjunacore and JTA
- jts This builds common, arjunacore, JTA and JTS
- idlj When combine with the jts or all profiles the resulting jar will be configured to use the ORB bundled with the JDK
- xts This builds common, arjunacore, JTA and XTS
- stm This builds common, arjuna, txoj and the STM module
So, for example, to build stm you can type:
./build.[sh|bat] clean install -P stm
Note that by default, if a parent module has documentation, it will be built, to disable this you can deactive the docs profile as follows:
./build.[sh|bat] clean install -P !docs
cd qa/
ant -Ddriver.url=file:///home/hudson/dbdrivers get.drivers dist
ant -f run-tests.xml ci-tests
Each module contains a set of maven build scripts, which chiefly just inherits and selectively overrides the parent pom.xml Understanding this approach requires some knowledge of maven's inheritance.
Top level maven builds always start from scratch. Individual module builds on the other hand are incremental, such that you may rebuild a single module by traversing into its directory and running 'mvn', but only if you have first built any pre-req modules e.g. via a parent build.
In addition to driving the build of individual modules, the build files in the bundles directories (ArjunaCore, ArjunaJTA, ArjunaJTS) contain steps to assemble the release directory structure, including docs, scripts, config files and other ancillaries. These call each other in some cases, as JTS is largely a superset of JTA and JTA in turn a superset of Core.
3rd party dependency management is done via maven. Note that versions of most 3rd party components are resolved via the JBossAS component-matrix pom.xml, even when building standalone releases. The version of JBossAS to use is determined by the top level pom.xml You may need to set up maven to use the repositories:
The build currently requires Java 6 and maven 3.0.3. Maven is provided in the tools/maven section, though later versions of these tools may work. Download locations are:
A handful of unit tests build and run as part of the normal build. Most test coverage is in the form of integration tests which reside in the qa/ directory. These are built but not run automatically. See qa/README.txt for usage.
Please see the following JIRA for details on how to configure your IDE for developing with the Narayana code styles: