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Jennifer Chang edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

Test Run of nanoQCtrim


git clone
cd nanoQCtrim

nextflow run --help
See help statement
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.07.1
Launching `` [cheesy_pasteur] - revision: 5b10f49a60
      ___  ___        _   ___  ___    \\-----//        
       |  (___  |  | / _   |   |_       \-//         
      _|_  ___) |__| \_/  _|_  |        // \        
      isugifNF/nanoQCtrim  v1.0.0       
      The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
      nextflow run isugifNF/nanoQCtrim --fastqs "/Path/to/rawdata/folder/*.fastq" -profile condo

      Mandatory arguments:

      --fastqs                      fastq files to run nanoplot on. (/data/*.fastq)

      Optional arguments:
      --outdir                      Output directory to place final BLAST output
      --threads                      Number of CPUs to use during the NanoPlot job [16]
      --queueSize                    Maximum number of jobs to be queued [18]
      --account                      Some HPCs require you supply an account name for tracking usage.  You can supply that here.
      --help                         This usage statement.


Dependencies are made available via singularity containers. Nextflow should automatically download the singularity containers, unless there are internet connection issues.

nanoplot_container = ''
downpore_container = ''

Test Dataset

Find dataset.

# fetch dataset here

Running the Pipeline

Basic run here after there's a test dataset.

nextflow run \
  --fastqs "data/*.fq" \
  --account isu_gif_proj \
  -profile singularity,atlas \

Test Runs

  • Ceres
  • Atlas
  • Condo
  • Nova
  • Local Mac
  • Local PC

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