A PCB which enables connecting an Electra air conditioner to internet using a Wemos D1 mini esp8266 module
The circuit is based on the ElectraWiFi repository by giladger which contains code for this project
I designed it using KiCad
Connector - J1 - 8 pin DIN connector footprint from CUI MD-80SM
WiFi Module - U1 - WeMos D1 mini
LED - D1-D4 - 3mm pth LED
IR Reciever - U2 - TSOP41xx
Buzzer - BZ1 - 12mm buzzer
Resistor - R4 - PTH resistor 100 ohm
Resistors - R1-R3 - PTH resistor 1K ohm
Thanks to Guy Eshel who prompted the design and helped with measurments
Thanks to giladger and the contributors of the ElectraWiFi repo which contains the code for this project