Checkmk extensions for the public exchange
Packages are developed based on customer requirements and approved by those customers.
Comments and suggestions for improvement are very welcome.
Deploy Package to Checkmk-Site
mkp add PACK.mkp
mkp enable PACK
- Active Radius Check using pyrad: Active Check for Radius Server. Tested with Windows Domain Controller acting as server. Original Project:
- Dell EMC ML3: SNMP Checks for Dell Tape Drives
- HomematicIP special agent: Monitoring the temperature sensors, RSSI value and valve position of HomematicIP thermostats and state of magnetic shutter contacts
- MSHPC special agent: Special agent for MSHPC, checking jobs, nodes and node states. Will create piggyback data for nodes.
- Notification Plugin for Cordaware bestinformed: Send notification to your Screen. Tool see
- Palo Alto PAN DDOS FLOW: SNMP Checks
- PiHole: Special Agent for query pihole, Checks, HW/SW Inventory
- Rubrik Special Agent: Special Agent for Rubrik Devices, will create piggyback data for nodes and includes the following Checks: Cluster System Status, Compliance 24 Hours (Cluster sided), Disk, Node Hardware Health, Node Status (Node sided)
- SAP MaxDB Plugin: Checks the following things: General Status, Log/Database Utilization, Sessions, Backup Status for Checkmk 2.X
- SNMP Systemtime: Gets the Timestamp of an SNMP-Device and compair it with the checmk-Server Time
- Windows System Updates With Ignore Option: Ignore per strings specified update packages
- WSUS set downtime: Gets patchdate and -time information of the Windows registry and sets an accordingly downtime
To check the content of the MKPs, you can simply unpack them. MKPs are nothing else than tar files