Thera Bank recently saw a steep decline in the number of customers using their bank approved credit cards. The bank wants to analyze the data of customers and identify the customers who will leave their credit card services, so that it can improve upon those areas. Building a machine learning classification model will be the best approach because it will allow the bank to analyze its customer data and identify the features that make up the customers who will leave their credit card services. Classification models are used to classify target dataset based on the features provided.
This folder contains the original csv files with the Thera Bank project and tree.txt for showing tree stratue. tree.txt will provide some Model Transparency.
This folder contains Bin's Notebook.
This folder contains Frank's Notebook and Data Zip file.
This folder contains Kwabena's Notebook.
This folder contains Team1's Final Report jupyter Notebook and Team Project Status Update.
This folder contains Team1's Business Presentation Slides.