This package provide the fundamental functionality of user management, including CRUD of users, groups, roles, permissions and relationships between each of them.
Please check System/Project requirements and Assumptions before using this package.
###Table of Content
- System/Project requirements and Assumptions
- Installation Guide
- composer.json - repo
- composer.json - require-dev
- composer update
- config/app.php - provider
- config/app.php - alias
- User model adds UMUserTrait
- Generate controllers
- Generate migration
- Migrate UM DB tables
- Generate seeder and seeding
- vendor:publish - views
- Create view layout
- Required front-end resources
- Default Package Routes
- Controllers
- Middleware
- Default data
- Entity relationships
###System/Project Requirements and Assumptions
- Project is using PHP Laravel version-5.2.*.
- Project is using either array, redis, memcached or other tagging supported caching system
- Project is using default User model provided by Laravel.
Please be noticed that modification or customisation in default User model might require changes in the views, routes or controllers provided by this package. Will explain in detailed in this article.
In your Laravel project,
1.Add a repository to composer.json file repositories array.
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "ssh://[email protected]:234/srv/repo/git/invigor-user-management"
2.Add a dev requirement to require-dev in composer.json.
"require-dev": {
"invigor/um": "dev-master"
3.Run composer update
in project root folder.
4.Add the following code to providers array in config/app.php
5.Create aliases in config/app.php by adding following code to aliases array
'UM' => Invigor\UM\UMFacade::class,
'role' => Invigor\UM\Middleware\UMRole::class,
'permission' => Invigor\UM\Middleware\UMPermission::class,
'ability' => Invigor\UM\Middleware\UMAbility::class,
6.Use user trait in default User model:
use Invigor\UM\Traits\UMUserTrait;
class User ...
use UMUserTrait;
7.Generate controllers, in root folder of the project run:
php artisan um:controller
8.Generate migration files, in root folder of the project run:
php artisan um:migration
php artisan migrate
10.Generate seeder and proceed seeding
php artisan um:seeder
This seeder will insert default records into Database. Please refer to Default Data.
UM package provides comprehensive views to take care of CRUD of entities. By running the following command in root folder of the project, a um folder with views will be copied over to resources/views folder
php artisan vendor:publish
Developers are suggested to create their own layouts and extend the layouts in the view.
The views described in 11 do NOT include any CSS nor JS resources.
Therefore, a layout with required front-end resources is essential in order to use the default views. modify the view to extend the layout you have created.
The required front-end resources will be specified in 13
<link href="the_required_css_styles" />
<script src="the_required_js"></script>
views generated by vendor:publish
{{--default view content--}}
13.Required Front-end Resources
The default views of UM package required a few front-end resources.
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- DataTables
- Select2
If your project does not have the resource specified above ready, please proceed with the following installation.
#install jQuery $ npm install jquery #install Bootstrap 3 $ npm install bootstrap@3 #install DataTables $ npm install #install DataTables Bootstrap theme $ npm install #install Select2 $ npm install make sure the following resource are included sequentially
[ "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js", "node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js", "node_modules/", "node_modules/", "node_modules/select2/dist/js/select2.js" ][ "node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css", "node_modules/", "node_modules/select2/dist/css/select2.css" ]And make sure font files of Bootstrap is in a fonts folder, a sibling folder of where
Now the package is good to go.
is a default and temporary home page of User Management package, it includes a very plain login form if user is not yet logged in.
is a plain login form connect to a customised Authentication Controller in the package.
is a list page of users.
is a detail page of a selected user.
is the create page of user.
insert a record in users table.
is the edit page of a selected user.
updates a record in users table.
deletes a record in users table.
is a list page of groups.
is a detail page of a selected group.
is the create page of group.
insert a record in groups table.
is the edit page of a selected group.
updates a record in groups table.
deletes a record in groups table.
is a list page of roles.
is a detail page of a selected role.
is the create page of role.
insert a record in roles table.
is the edit page of a selected role.
updates a record in roles table.
deletes a record in roles table.
is a list page of permissions.
is a detail page of a selected permission.
is the create page of permission.
insert a record in permissions table.
is the edit page of a selected permission.
updates a record in permissions table.
deletes a record in permissions table.
There are two sets of controllers:
The controllers inside UM package.
The controllers generate by UM package and sit in app\Http\Controllers\UM folder.
#####Controllers in UM package
The controllers mainly provide functions of CRUD of user, group, role and permission.
The index
function of the controllers takes a parameter to indicate the expected output format: "datatable"
or null
takes corresponding request values and filters the result accordingly.
While null
value outputs all records of the entities.
All functions in controllers in UM package do not deal with views nor routes.
In order to provide good enough flexibility to this package, data validations of
functions are in Controllers in app folder.
#####Controllers in app folder
The controllers in app folder take care of the routes, views and representation of data.
By default, the controllers are pointing to the views in resources/views/um. However, this can be changed directly in the controllers in app folder.
There are three main types of middleware available in the package.
- role
- permission
- ability (used only in a complicated situation)
All middleware can be set in routes file or controllers. And here are the usages.
#####Sample usage of role in routes:
Route::get('url', ['middleware' => ['role:super_admin|client']])
are the name of roles (NOT display_name)In this case, only the users with role
can access this route.
#####Sample usage of permission in routes:
Route::get('url', ['middleware' => ['permission:create_user|edit_user']])
are the name of permissions (NOT display_name)This route only open to the users with permission of
#####Sample usage of ability in routes:
Route::get('url', ['middleware' => ['ability:super_admin|client,create_user|edit_user', true]])
This middleware takes three (3) parameters, including roles, permissions and operator.
Operator is a boolean (true/false) indicating if middleware needs to validate both roles and permissions or not.
In this case, the route only open to the
with the permissions ofcreate_user
#####Sample usage of middleware in controllers:
$this->middleware('role:super_admin, ['only' => ['create', 'store']]');
$this->middleware('permission:create_user', ['only' => ['create', 'store']]);
$this->middleware('ability:super_admin,create_user,true', ['only' => ['create', 'store']]);
Syntax is pretty much same as middleware in route. However, we need to indicate which functions the middleware shall be applied to by having
['only' => [blah blah blah]
as the second parameter in the middleware functions.
Initial seeder will insert the following records:
#####users table
a user with super_admin role and all parent permissions.
email: [email protected]
password: secret
#####groups table
seeder does not insert any default group record
#####roles table
seeder inserts a super_admin record to database.
#####permissoins table
by default, seeder inserts CRUD permissions to 4 entities, and parent permissions for each entity:
group-user: many to many
a group can have multiple users, and a user can be in multiple groups.
user-role: many to many
a user can be in multiple roles, and multiple users can be in the same role.
role-permission: many to many
a role can have multiple permissions, and multiple roles can have the same permission.
permission-permission: one to many
multiple permissions can have a parent permission.