- React for layout
- axios for fetch API
API is used weatherapi-com
[x] Setup the project
[x] npx create-react mWeather (Skip as I use codesandbox)
[x] install material-ui (Choose/search via codesandbox dependencies system )
npm i material-ui/core material-ui/icons material-ui/lab material-ui/pickers axios echarts echarts-for-react
[x] create top titlte/subtitle
[x] create input
[x] create datepicker
[x] install some dependencies (Choose/search via codesandbox dependencies system )
npm i date-io/[email protected] date-fns
[x] create info tooltip
[x] test the api axios
[x] create chart
[x] Loading spinner
[x] deploy to netlify https://csb-6tdx1.netlify.app/
[x] Light/Dark Theme(2021.8.13)
[x] Some bug fix/code update
[x] i18? en/cn
[x] update the logo