A React Native gesture recognition trainer/recognizer, built off of the rn-draw package.
Install react-native-svg via npm install --save react-native-svg
, then link with react-native link react-native-svg
Next, install react-native-fs via npm install --save react-native-fs
, then link with react-native link react-native-fs
Finally, install rn-gesture-recognizer with npm install --save rn-gesture-recognizer
As this project relies on native code, this package is NOT compatible with Expo or apps made with create-react-native-app
The Trainer component is used to help you generate the custom gestures you would like the Recognizer component to be able to recognize. The Trainer uses react-native-fs
to write the gestureClasses.json
file to your project directory, which you will import as a prop to the Recognizer component later on. See this example to see how it can be set up in a project.
import {Trainer} from 'rn-gesture-recognizer';
containerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.01)'}}
path [String] required! - the absolute path to where you want your training data to be stored.
strokes [Array] - set with some initial data. (defaults to [])
containerStyle [Object] - style for the container of the draw component.
color [String] - string representation of pen color (defaults to '#000000')
strokeWidth [Number] - width of pen strokes (defaults to 4)
The Recognizer component is built to use the gestureClasses.json
data file to recognize user input. It handles much the same as the Trainer component, but has more props to allow for developer customization.
import {Recognizer} from 'rn-gesture-recognizer';
let gestureClassData = require('./gestureClasses.json'); // <- default location of the gesture class data, as exported from the Trainer component
containerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.01)'}}
// onChangeStrokes={(strokes) => console.log(strokes)}