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The compiled yaml file will work on any deploed Kubeflow pipelines with GPU attached. The setup below is an example when using Google Cloud Platform.


  • Make sure you have at least 1 GPU resource in your project. Verify by going to Quotas page in the GCP console.
  • Choose Limit name in the filter drop-down then type GPU
  • Choose GPUs (all regions)
  • If you have Limit: 0 then you should first request an increase of quota.
    • Tick the Global box then click EDIT QUOTAS.
    • Enter your desired New limit and complete the submission of your request.
    • The result and time to recieve your request depends on your account.
      • In my case, my new account and project needs 2 days waiting time before I can resubmit my qouta requests which then got the increase within a few minutes.


Open the Cloud Shell from you GCP console. Type the following.

export PROJECT_ID=<your_project_id>
gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}

Create a storage bucket

export BUCKET_NAME=kubeflow-${PROJECT_ID}
gsutil mb gs://${BUCKET_NAME}

Deploy AI Platform Pipelines (Kubeflow Pipelines)

Follow the instructions in the ‘Before you begin' and ‘Set up your instance' sections here. Pick a zone which support the GPU of your choice. The default us-central1-a works for all GPU types. After the deployment as completed type the following in the Cloud Shell.

export ZONE=<your zone>
export CLUSTER_NAME=<your cluster name>

Set up kubectl to use your new GKE cluster's credentials

gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --zone ${ZONE}

Verify kubectl is working as expected. kubectl get nodes -o wide You should see nodes listed with a status of "Ready", and other information.

Configure the cluster to install the Nvidia driver on gpu-enabled node pools

Next, we'll apply a daemonset to the cluster, which will install the Nvidia driver on any GPU-enabled cluster nodes: kubectl apply -f

Then run the following command, which gives the KFP components permission to create new Kubernetes resources: kubectl create clusterrolebinding sa-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kubeflow:pipeline-runner

Create a GPU node pool

Setup a GPU node pool of size 1:

gcloud container node-pools create gpu-pool \
    --cluster=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --zone ${ZONE} \
    --num-nodes=1 \
    --machine-type n1-highmem-8 \
    --scopes cloud-platform --verbosity error \


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