This is a repo about Java standard edition features:
- Released on March 2014
- Supported until December 2030
1. Lambda Expressions
2. Stream API
3. Functional Interfaces
4. Default Methods in Interfaces
5. Method References
6. Method Parameter Reflection
1. PermGen Space Replaced with Metaspace
2. Parallel Garbage Collector Enhancements
3. Nashorn JavaScript Engine
4. Type Annotations
5. Class-File Format Enhancements (JSR 292)
1. Date and Time API (JSR 310)
2. Optional Class
3. CompletableFuture
4. Parallel Array Sorting
5. Base64 Encoding and Decoding
6. Compact Profiles
- Released on September 2017
1. Module System (Project Jigsaw)
2. JShell
3. Private Methods in Interfaces
1. Ahead-of-Time Compilation (AOT)
1. Process API Updates
2. HTTP/2 Client
3. Improved Stream API
4. Multi-Release JAR Files
5. Collection Factory Methods
6. Reactive Streams API (Flow API)
7. Stack-Walking API
8. Unified JVM Logging
- Released on March 2018
1. Local-Variable Type Inference (var)
1. Consolidation of G1 Garbage Collector
1. Application Class-Data Sharing
2. Parallel Full GC for G1
3. Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler
- Released on September 2018
- Supported until January 2032
1. Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters
1. Epsilon Garbage Collector
1. HTTP Client (Standard)
2. Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs
3. ZGC (Experimental)
4. Flight Recorder (JFR) and Mission Control
5. Nest-Based Access Control
6. Dynamic Class-File Constants
- Released on March 2019
- Released on September 2019
- Released on March 2020
- Released on September 2020
- Released on March 2021
- Released on September 2021
- Supported until September 2029
- Released on March 2022
- Released on September 2022
- Released on March 2023
- Released on September 2023
- Supported until September 2031
- Released on March 2024