released this
19 May 04:25
ALL: ORMLite has dropped support for Java 5. Java 6 is now required.
ALL: Added boolean argument to DatabaseConnection.compileStatement(...) to fix a cache bug.
ALL: Changed DatabaseResults.getObjectCache() to be getObjectCacheForRetrieve() and getObjectCacheForStore().
CORE: Added JOIN-ing between tables without a foreign-object relationship.
CORE: Added TimeStampStringType to support Android timestamps.
CORE: Added the ability to override the DataPersister as well as the FieldConverter.
CORE: Added support for the @table entity from javax.persistence annotations. Thanks to wener. Bug #174.
CORE: Added used of to support CloseableIterator and other Java7 support. Thanks to livelazily.
CORE: Added Dao.create(Collection) method for bulk creation. Thanks to Farrukh Najmi for the good idea.
CORE: Added DataType.BOOLEAN_CHAR (to support '1' '0' or 't' 'f') and BOOLEAN_INTEGER. Thanks to stew.
CORE: Added support for QueryBuilder.countOf("DISTINCT(field)"). Thanks to spacetime.
CORE: Added support for Java 8 methods. Thanks to VincentFTS.
CORE: Added support for Joda DateTime to be able to be a version field. Thanks much to outofrange.
CORE: Added support for raw queries using the DatabaseResults in the mapper. Thanks much to nonameplum.
CORE: Added support for ENUM_TO_STRING type which persists Enum.toString() instead of name(). Thanks jiajia-li.
CORE: Added support for BigInteger to be an ID and version field by saving as string. Thanks noordawod.
CORE: Added support for BYTE_ARRAY and STRING_BYTE_ARRAY data type for ids and default values. Thanks noordawod.
CORE: Added support for table aliasing. Thanks much to p91paul.
CORE: Added table-name for many ConnectionSource methods to allow partitioning and other per-table operations.
CORE: Added better support for per-database type object custom persisters. Thanks to rzorzorzo.
CORE: Fixed (really) QueryBuilder.orderByRaw(...), orderBy(...) mutually exclusivity. Thanks to Diederik. Bug #161.
CORE: Fixed a bug when we select columns on an entity without an id field. Thanks to lder.
CORE: Fixed a bug with building queries using selectRaw(...). Bug #166.
CORE: Fixed the javax.persistence annotation processing and revamped it to use the annotations directly.
CORE: Fixed bug with UpdateBuilder methods returning wrong type. Thanks to Joseph Jones. Bug #180.
CORE: Fixed bug with the raw results that they are not obeying the AS SQL. Thanks to nonameplum. Bug #183.
CORE: Fixed bug with ISNULL and ISNOTNULL which weren't working with serializable. Thanks to andrew8er. Bug #185.
CORE: Fixed bug with dao.update() not setting dao on BaseDaoEnabled instances. Thanks to Carlos Fonseca. Bug #177.
CORE: Fixed bug where dao.deleteById(...) was not being properly notified. Thanks to Daniel Jette. Bug #190.
CORE: Fixed bug where useGetSet did not understand isXxx() for boolean fields. Thanks to HeDYn. Bug #187.
CORE: Fixed finding of get/set/is methods if not in English locale. Thanks to Christian Ruppert. Bug #191.
CORE: Fixed bug with Doa.createOrUpdate(...) and custom id types. Thanks much to lstrzelecki. Bug #193.
CORE: Fixed some problems with default-value parsing and handing with some complex types.
CORE: Fixed synchronization problems with single connection ConnectionSource and Dao.callBatchTasks(). Bug #195.
CORE: Fixed bad bug where max-auto-refresh value enabled auto-refresh when programmatically configured. Bug #196.
CORE: Fixed bug where unknown enum name was not working with anonymous enum types. Thanks to jahd2602. Bug #197.
CORE: Fixed a bug where the logger did not handle an array of primitives correctly.
CORE: Fixed problem with capitalization of entities in non-english locales. ENGLISH now the default.
CORE: Fixed problems with using @DatabaseField(foreignColumnName). Thanks to Knight704.
CORE: Fixed problem with storing partially formed objects in cache because of select arguments. Thanks to pimduin.
CORE: Fixed a bug in DatabaseFieldConfig constructor where it was ignoring DataType param. Thanks to magicgoose.
CORE: Removed deprecated methods: Dao.setAutoCommit(boolean), isAutoCommit()
CORE: Removed deprecated methods: QueryBuilder.clear(), limit(int), offset(int), use long versions of methods
CORE: Removed deprecated methods: ForeignCollectionField.maxEagerForeignCollectionLevel(), foreignColumnName()
CORE: Removed deprecated methods: DatabaseFieldConfig.setMaxEagerForeignCollectionLevel()
CORE: Removed deprecated methods: DatabaseFieldConfig.setForeignCollectionMaxEagerForeignCollectionLevel()
CORE: Removed deprecated methods: DatabaseFieldConfig.setForeignCollectionOrderColumn()
CORE: Removed deprecated methods: DatabaseFieldConfig.setForeignCollectionForeignColumnName()
JDBC: Added support for UUID database fields for Postgres, MSSQL. Use dataType = UUID_NATIVE. Thanks to tsharp.
JDBC: Added support for a JdbcConnectionSource that uses an existing database connection. Thanks to natinusala.
JDBC: Fixed (possibly) some problems with the Oracle type with better boolean support. Thanks to 51mon.
JDBC: Removed deprecated method: DataSourceConnectionSource.setUsesTransactions(boolean).
JDBC: Removed deprecated method: JdbcPooledConnectionSource.setUsesTransactions(boolean).
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