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Testing Grounds

License: MIT

What is this? 😎

This is the second version of my personal website, a showcase of my projects and my art. There's lots of little things that you can interact with, so please give it a try here.

Explore my previous website here.

How was this built? 🛠️

This website was designed with heavy influence from the idea of modern smooth and sleek:

  • Next.js: For optimized server-side rendering and seamless routing.
  • React.js: To build dynamic and reusable UI components.
  • Tailwind CSS: For fast and efficient styling.
  • TypeScript: Adding type safety and maintainability.
  • Three.js: To create personalized 3D visuals and animations.

And deployed with Vercel! 🚀

Key Features 🌟

  • Interactive Design: I wanted much of my website to be played with, and I hope it translates through design.
  • 3D Animations: Built with Three.js, I wanted something sleek and smooth.
  • Optimized Performance: Utilizing Next.js and Tailwind to ensure fast loading and beautiful layouts, though I'm sure I missed optimizations somewhere.
  • Showcase of Work: A curated portfolio of my favorite projects and art pieces.

Roadmap 🗺️

Planned Enhancements:

  • Additional Animations: I want to transition my dark and light mode smoothly.
  • Loading Screen: Right now the 3D scenes are slower to load than the rest of the website, I'd like to change that.
  • Optimizations: The iframe I use to load my resume reloads often, and should be fixed.

About Me 👨‍💻

Hellooo, I’m John Zhou, a passionate developer, designer, artist, and student. I’m love everything graphics related and was really into Arcane and Elden Ring around the time of making this ReadME.

  • Education: Pursuing a B.S. in Mathematics - Computer Science at UC San Diego and a minor in Engineering Mechanics.
  • Interests: Creative programming, 2D/3D art, and web development.
  • Goal: To mix/blend art and technology in my work.

Acknowledgements 🤓

Thanks to everyone that gave me suggestions and pointers, they were very crucial to the intiutiveness and feel of the website :>>

Thanks for Visiting!

John Zhou


new personal






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