This is a minimal HTML based presentation tool running on Sinatra, using the S5 library from Eric Meyer (
Look at the lib/slides.rb
for an example of how to use this.
Run with (viewable at localhost:4567):
ruby sinbasp.rb
To run with ERb you need to set an environment variable called sinbasp_engine
and set it to erb
In BASH, you can run this command to start up the script and set it to run with ERb:
sinbasp_engine=erb ruby sinbasp.rb
Sinatra >= 0.9.0
Make styles more easily configurable so that the we don’t have to edit the templates as much
Should write some more documentation
Do we still need #base_url? It’s not accessible to the Slides, only to the templates.
Is there some way to define the #gist message without putting it in the main Object scope? Does it matter?