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Generate web based hints for video tutorials to .mov files with alpha channel

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HTML5 based animated video hints for Blender Tutorials

This project consists of a simple webapp that is built using Parcel.js and that contains tutorial hints designed using HTML and CSS and animated using GSAP (such as instructions and keyboard shortcuts). I built it to create video hints for this Blender Video Tutorial (Creating a colorful sliced landscape sculpture in Blender).

html5-animation-video-renderer is used to render the animated hints to .mov files with alpha. They can than be imported into a video editor and placed above the screen recording.


Example image of the animated video hint

Hints are created in the src/index.html file in the following format:

    <div class="hint" id="h2">
        <div class="top">Double Plane width</div>
        <ol class="steps">
            <li>In <span class="option"><img class="icon" src="/blender-icons/blender-icons/object_data.svg"/>Object Mode</span>, select the plane</li>
            <li>Hit <span class="key">S</span> to scale</li>
            <li>Hit <span class="key">X</span> to limit scaling to X axis</li>
            <li>Type <span class="key">2</span> to double plane width</li>
            <li>Click <span class="mouse lmb">LMB</span> to confirm</li>

You can see in the example, that I use Blender SVG icons in the code to spice up the hints a bit.

How to generate videos

  1. Update git submodules:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install node.js dependencies

    npm install
    cd html5-animation-video-renderer
    npm install
    cd ..
  3. Run parcel webapp

    npm run start

    Hints are now available under the URL http://localhost:1234. You can select specific hints to display using a location hash, for example:

    http://localhost:1234#h1 will display the hint with the HTML-ID h1 (The element <div class="hint" id="h1">...</div>).

  4. Run the script to render out videos (Use Git Bash on Windows). Videos will be placed in the ./out directory. By default, the script will render hints h1 to h5. Edit to change the hints that you want to render.

    Alternatively, you can render specific hints using the following command:

        node html5-animation-video-renderer/render.js --url=http://localhost:1234#h1--alpha --video=out/
  5. Use the .mov files in the out directory in your Video Editor. I use Blender VSE. Have fun! 😉


Generate web based hints for video tutorials to .mov files with alpha channel






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