A Python Library for emulating xbox controllers on Windows as well as reading the state of controllers using standard xinput. This is an adaptation of the the vXbox by vJoy. I have made some changes to vXboxInterface.dll that I feel make it easier to work with. The original can be found at vXboxInterface but be aware it will not function with the project.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your 64-Bit local machine for development and testing purposes.
I have only tested this project on Windows 64-Bit
with Python 3.6.1
. I can not guarantee that it will work on any other combination of systems.
This project requires the installation of ScpVBus
if you intend on using the Virtual Controller object. It can be installed by following the below. For ease I have included it in this project. More information can be found at ScpVBus.
- Open
as administator cd
in the correct ScpVBus-x64 directory for your arcitechture- Execute install.bat
If successful you will receive the following message
Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are installed...
Updating drivers for Root\ScpVBus from {Location}\PYXInput\ScpVBus-x64\ScpVBus.inf.
Drivers installed successfully.
To install run the following command:
pip install PYXInput
To uninstall:
pip uninstall PYXInput
This library contains two main modules. virtual_controller is for creating a virtual controller.
read_state is for reading the current state of any xbox controller (virtual or real)
I have included a functions to test functionality for both use cases. They can be run with the example scripts below.
import pyxinput
Successful Output:
Connecting Controller:
This ID: 1
Available: [2, 3, 4]
Setting TriggerR and AxisLx:
Done, disconnecting controller.
Available: [1, 2, 3, 4]
Testing xInput reading:
import pyxinput
Successful Output:
Testing controller in position 1:
Running 3 x 3 seconds tests
State: {'wButtons': 0, 'left_trigger': 0, 'right_trigger': 0, 'thumb_lx': 0, 'thumb_ly': 0, 'thumb_rx': 0, 'thumb_ry': 0}
Buttons: []
State: {'wButtons': 0, 'left_trigger': 0, 'right_trigger': 0, 'thumb_lx': 0, 'thumb_ly': 0, 'thumb_rx': 0, 'thumb_ry': 0}
Buttons: []
State: {'wButtons': 0, 'left_trigger': 0, 'right_trigger': 0, 'thumb_lx': 0, 'thumb_ly': 0, 'thumb_rx': 0, 'thumb_ry': 0}
Buttons: []
Each use case of this library can be initialised as an object. Below is an example of how to use this package.
import pyxinput
MyVirtual = pyxinput.vController()
MyRead = pyxinput.rController(1) # For Controller 1
MyVirtual.set_value('BtnA', 1)
MyVirtual.set_value('AxisLx', -0.5)
- Ryan Barnes - Main Developer - bayangan1991
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License