This repository contains my portfolio of Data Science projects. This studies comes from hobby purposes, academic research and side-projects. It has been presented in the form of iPython Notebooks. All dataset available cames from open sources and are for demonstration purposes only. Tools: Pandas, Matplotlib, Scipy, Numpy
Warning: Financial studies are not recommendation or financial advice in any circunstance.
KKZ and K-means comparision I : Comparision between two methods in the context of ensembles of simulations. Overall characteristics.
KKZ and K-means comparision II : Apply KKZ method in a tool set and perform an analysis about the optimal number of elements in the clustering process.
Regression Analysis: Given a real dataset of weather observation and outputs from a numerical model.
Clustering Silhouette Analysis: A tool to assess the optimal number of segmenting a cluster analysis.
Value at Risk tool applied in Bitcoin Market: Value At Risk methodology has been applied as a great tool in risk management in industry. Here it is applied over Bitcoin market as a exploratory exercice.
Minimum Variance Portfolio: A risk return curve over a stock portfolio in R.
Global Temperature Map : A netCDF4 data based heat map for global temperatures in Python
Credit Concession Classification: A modeling notebook with small analysis over a credit classification problem over a Japanese Credit dataset
If you liked what you saw, want to have a chat with me about the portfolio, work opportunities or collaboration, send an email at [email protected]