- Authors: TBD
- License: Apache 2
- Package source code on Github
- Submit Bugs and feature requests
The datamgmt R package provides ...
We generally follow the tidyverse style conventions, with the following specific style preferences:
- underscore for all variable names unless referring to an EML object (i.e. otherEntity, publicationDate, etc.)
- all functions should include argument checks in the form of
To be written...
Work on this package was supported by:
- The Arctic Data Center: NSF-PLR grant #1546024 to M. B. Jones, S. Baker-Yeboah, J. Dozier, M. Schildhauer, and A. Budden
Additional support was provided by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, a Center funded by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the State of California.