Twist provides a full fledged music player functionality. This is still in alpha stage and is being actively developed.
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 8.0+
- Swift 3.0+
- Play local and remote media
- Update media information on lockscreen using MPNowPlayingInfoCenter
- Handle the remote events
- 3 Repeat modes: RepeatAll, RepeatOne, RepeatOff
- Shuffling
- Cache remote files to local filesystem
- Configurable logging
There will be support for Carthage and Cocoapods but this has not been done right now.
The music player is controlled via TwistDelegate
and TwistDataSource
protocol implementations
public protocol TwistDelegate {
func twist(_ twist: Twist, loaded: TimeInterval, outOf totalDuration: TimeInterval)
func twist(_ twist: Twist, playedTo currentTime: Double, outOf totalDuration: Double)
func twist(_ twist: Twist, startedPlayingItemAtIndex itemIndex: Int)
func twist(_ twist: Twist, failedToPlayURL itemURL: URL, forItemAtIndex itemIndex: Int)
func twist(_ twist: Twist, downloadedMedia fileItemURL: URL, forItemAtIndex itemIndex: Int)
func twist(_ twist: Twist, willChangeStateFrom fromState: TwistState, to newState: TwistState)
func twist(_ twist: Twist, didChangeStateFrom fromState: TwistState, to newState: TwistState)
All methods are optional and have been provided with default implementation.
public protocol TwistDataSource {
func twistTotalItemsInQueue(_ twist: Twist) -> Int
func twist(_ twist: Twist, urlForItemAtIndex itemIndex: Int, completionHandler completion: @escaping (URL?, NSError?) -> Void)
// Optional
func twist(_ twist: Twist, shouldCacheItemAtIndex itemIndex: Int) -> Bool
func twist(_ twist: Twist, cacheFilePathForItemAtIndex itemIndex: Int) -> String
func twist(_ twist: Twist, mediaInfoForItemAtIndex itemIndex: Int) -> TwistMediaInfo
func twistPreferredNextItemIndex(_ twist: Twist) -> Int?
Data source only has two required methods and everything else is optional
This struct is used to provide the media information to be displayed on the lockscreen
public struct TwistMediaInfo {
let title: String
let artist: String
let album: String
var albumArt: UIImage?
public init(title: String, artist: String, album: String, albumArt: UIImage? = nil) {
- Add tests
- Add installation instructions for Carthage and Cocoapods
Created by Jais Cheema
Fork the repository and make a pull request and I will review and merge it. Try to
- Pick a thing out of the TODO list (or something that is an obvious improvement)
- Keep the changes simple
- Add comments for the hairy bits
- Add tests
Twist is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.