Pipe Mania is a simple game programmed in VHDL for FPGA, which was created as a study project at VUT Brno in 2014. Now the game was released under the MIT license and will gradually be optimized for cheap FPGA board EP4CE6 Starter Board with Altera FPGA Cyclone IV EP4CE6E22C8 for $45.
Pipe Mania game can be controlled using the keyboard with the PS/2. The control is used only five keys:
- "w" - move the cursor up
- "s" - move the cursor down / start a game or next level
- "a" - move the cursor left
- "d" - move the cursor right
- "space" - places the generated pipe
LE (LUT+FF) | LUT | FF | Memory bits | Fmax |
1176 | 1082 | 485 | 60988 | 60.7 MHz |
Synthesis was performed using Quartus Prime Lite Version 16.0 for device EP4CE6E22C8 with enable "Force use of synchronous clear".
This game for FPGA is available under the MIT license (MIT). Please read LICENSE file.