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  • No due date Last updated about 7 hours ago

    Non-Breaking Changes: Merged clients into one Marked Client and Ch…

    Non-Breaking Changes:

    • Merged clients into one
    • Marked Client and Channel final through doc block and introduced interfaces for them for unit testing
    • Dropped build in event loop, socket, and stream handling switching to react/event-loop, react/socket, and react/stream for that
    • Partially introduced strict typing and (return) type hints due to all the changes in the code
    • Updated certain generated traits into generated classes
    • Ensured performance didn't regress with these changes
    • Updated all examples, tutorials, and the benchmark. Dropping the async variants due to the merge

    Breaking changes:

    • Raised minimum PHP version to 8.1+ unlocking the use of fibers
    • Swapped react/promise v2 with v3
    • Dropped Event Loop injection and replaced it with the global loop accessor
    -use Bunny\Async\Client;
    +use Bunny\Client;
    -use React\EventLoop\Factory;
    require dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    -$loop = Factory::create();
    -(new Client($loop))->connect();
    +$client = new Client();
    • Merged Async and Sync clients into Client utilizing fibers through react/async



    use Bunny\Channel;
    use Bunny\Client;
    use Bunny\Message;
    require dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    -$client = (new Client())->connect();
    +$client = new Client();
    $channel = $client->channel();
    $channel->queueDeclare('hello', false, false, false, false);
    echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "\n";
        function (Message $message, Channel $channel) {
            echo " [x] Received ", $message->content, "\n";


    use Bunny\Client;
    require dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    -$client = (new Client())->connect();
    +$client = new Client();
    $channel = $client->channel();
    $channel->queueDeclare('hello', false, false, false, false);
    $channel->publish('Hello World!', [], '', 'hello');
    echo " [x] Sent 'Hello World!'\n";



    use Bunny\Channel;
    -use Bunny\Async\Client;
    +use Bunny\Client;
    use Bunny\Message;
    -use React\EventLoop\Factory;
    require dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    -$loop = Factory::create();
    -(new Client($loop))->connect()
    +$client = new Client();
    -->then(function (Client $client) {
    -    return $client->channel();
    +$channel = $client->channel();
    -->then(function (Channel $channel) {
    -    return $channel->queueDeclare('hello', false, false, false, false)->then(function () use ($channel) {
    -        return $channel;
    -    });
    +$channel->queueDeclare('hello', false, false, false, false);
    -->then(function (Channel $channel) {
    -    echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "\n";
    -    $channel->consume(
    -        function (Message $message, Channel $channel, Client $client) {
    -            echo " [x] Received ", $message->content, "\n";
    -        },
    -        'hello',
    -        '',
    -        false,
    -        true
    -    );
    +echo ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C', "\n";
    +    function (Message $message, Channel $channel) {
    +        echo " [x] Received ", $message->content, "\n";
    +    },
    +    'hello',
    +    '',
    +    false,
    +    true,


    -use Bunny\Channel;
    -use Bunny\Async\Client;
    +use Bunny\Client;
    -use React\EventLoop\Factory;
    require dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    -$loop = Factory::create();	
    -(new Client($loop))->connect()
    +$client = new Client();
    -->then(function (Client $client) {	
    -    return $client->channel();	
    +$channel = $client->channel();
    -->then(function (Channel $channel) {	
    -    return $channel->queueDeclare('hello', false, false, false, false)->then(function () use ($channel) {	
    -        return $channel;	
    -    });	
    +$channel->queueDeclare('hello', false, false, false, false);
    -->then(function (Channel $channel) {	
    -    echo " [x] Sending 'Hello World!'\n";	
    -    return $channel->publish('Hello World!', [], '', 'hello')->then(function () use ($channel) {	
    -        return $channel;	
    -    });	
    +$channel->publish('Hello World!', [], '', 'hello');
    -->then(function (Channel $channel) {	
    -    echo " [x] Sent 'Hello World!'\n";	
    -    $client = $channel->getClient();	
    -    return $channel->close()->then(function () use ($client) {	
    -        return $client;	
    -    });	
    +echo " [x] Sent 'Hello World!'\n";
    -->then(function (Client $client) {	
    -    $client->disconnect();	
    • Channel::queueBind arguments string $queue and string $exchange switched argument locations
    use Bunny\Channel;
    use Bunny\Client;
    use Bunny\Message;
    require dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $client = new Client();
    $channel = $client->channel();
    $channel->exchangeDeclare('logs', 'fanout');
    $queue = $channel->queueDeclare('', false, false, true, false);
    -$channel->queueBind($queue->queue, 'logs');
    +$channel->queueBind('logs', $queue->queue);

  • No due date Last updated 8 months ago
    66% complete