This repository is for materials related to Preparing for SN science in the LSST era: A kick-off workshop.
We created this new organization (LSST-Supernova-Workshops) to provide
- A repository with the material for this workshop
- To create a space for participants in this workshop and the LSST community to work together and share projects. Especially to share thoughts, quick projects, and code snippets.
- The lsst sims stack: The most important one is the LSST sims stack. Installation instructions here (probably easier to use conda, ~ 20 mins)
- sqlite3
- sqlalchemy
- pandas
- tables
- OpSimSummary :
- SNsims :
The code is not public (yet), and only open inside DESC. Therefore, members of DESC are able to access the github repo, as long as you are added to the LSST DESC team. If you are not a member of DESC, but you do have observer status, please email Robert Schuhmann ([email protected]), and he will add you to the repo temporarily, i.e., for the duration of the workshop. In either case, please refrain from distributing the code outside of DESC.
Should there be any problems with the installation, please do not hesitate to email Robert.