To-do: [] Measure bias in z-space and compare
Maybe: [] hdf5 file with further properties [] HODs of the samples
In this folder there are codes to generate a DESI-like catalogues from the SAGE+UNIT catalogue. Programs and subfolders here: To plot the model [OII] luminosity function at z~1, compared with observations. To plot and create a file with the cumulative function on the indicated property and find the cuts on it that will give the target DESI number density. Cumulative function for only those galaxies not selected as 'elgs' with the cuts done above. Find the cuts in a given property to get a target number density Use the found cuts to create a subsample. Plot zrsd vs z to check the created subsamples. Calculate the matter power spectrum P(k,z) from CAMB (with and without non linear corrections) Calculate P(k) for the sample galaxies using nbodykit Obtain the bias in real space for the different selections. Obtain the bias in z-space for the different selections. WORK IN PROGRESS
Specifications following the mocks tabulated here.
ELGs mocks at redshift = 0.9873 (snap 97), densities={25e-4,20e-4,5.5e-4}(Mpc/h)^-3.
LRGs mocks at z=0.9873, density=4.4e-4 (Mpc/h)^-3 and z=0.7400, density=5.5e-4 (Mpc/h)^-3.
In taurus, emission lines for the HighRes UNITSIM in data6:
- Flux [erg/s/cm^2]
- Luminosity [erg/s]
The output should be a text file with (following DESI wiki):
{x, y, z, z_RSD} in units of Mpc/h
z_RSD is including the position correction due to redshift distortion in the z-axis.
z_RSD = z + vz*(1+redshift)/H,
where H=100sqrt(Omega_m(1+redshift)3 + Omega_Lambda)
Using awk from default ASCII output files:
awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3 " " $6}' inputfile > outfile
Once the catalogues are tested, they can go to NERSC:
/global/project/projectdirs/desi/mocks/UNIT/SAGE_[ELG, LRG, QSO]/z*