This is a small handler for adding and removing menus from the nodeEditor in Maya.
To add a menu, it is defined in 2 parts.
- A new menu class in the neMenus, subClassing the menus.base class.
- An entry into the modulemapping to allow the factory to automatically add your menu the next time you invoke the addMenus()
To create a new menu you should inherit from the base class. Go ahead and create a new .py file or add a class to an existing in the neMenus folder.
Be sure to over load the menuFunction() and doIt() methods. It's important to set the class attr for MNODE if you want to use this data passed along by Maya that you invoked the menu from, and then to avoid typing the same boilerPlate over and over call the protected _menuFunction eg:
def menuFunction(self, ned, node):
MenuExample01.MNODE = node
nedmm_base.NEMenu._menuFunction(self, ned, node, func=self.doIt)
The doIt() is all the code you want to run on the node maya invoked the menu from. Be sure to have the node arg as that is required by Maya, though this is usually a bool.
You can access the node name that the menu was invoked on via className.MNODE
class ResetTransform(nedmm_base.NEMenu):
ID = "ResetTransform"
NODE_TYPE = nedmmc_nodetypes.TRANSFORM
MENU_NAME = "Reset trs
def doIt(node):
for attr in ("translateX", "translateY", "translateZ", "rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ"):
cmds.setAttr("{}.{}".format(ResetTransform.MNODE, attr), 0)
for attr in ("scaleX", "scaleY", "scaleZ"):
cmds.setAttr("{}.{}".format(ResetTransform.MNODE, attr), 1)
def menuFunction(self, ned, node):
ResetTransform.MNODE = node
nedmm_base.NEMenu._menuFunction(self, ned, node, func=self.doIt)
Sub Menus
For more complex menus with subMenus etc refer to MenuExample03 in the as you will need to add these to the menuFunction method after the overload call, and add the extra static methods as required.
Add the correct data to the file into the MODULE_MAPPING dict. This is for the factory to find and import the menu classes.
Check the doc string in the file for more info.
Once you're done adding menus as you need, you should be good to run as per below...
Inside Maya in a python script editor;
# If the folder for the maya_nodeEditorMenuManager is not on the sys path you can add it like so...
import sys
paths = ["PATHTOREPO/maya_nodeEditorMenuManager"]
for path in paths:
# Add the menus now..
import neMenuMngr as neMenuMngr