A Neovim help doc generation tool HEAVILY inspired by Neovim core's doc gen tool.
Generate help docs with the same style and formatting as Neovim core's help
docs using in-code annotations (LuaCATS + more).
- Neovim 0.10+
Getting started with docgen.nvim
Create a script for
eg.-- script/gendoc.lua vim.opt.rtp:append "." -- `docgen.nvim` installation location vim.env.DOCGEN_PATH = vim.env.DOCGEN_PATH or ".deps/docgen.nvim" -- bootstrap script will git clone `docgen.nvim` and place it in your -- runtimepath automatically -- if the `DOCGEN_PATH` env variable is defined, it will use the defined -- path instead of cloning another copy load(vim.fn.system "curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jamestrew/docgen.nvim/master/scripts/bootstrap.lua")() -- main entry point require("docgen").run({ name = "my_plugin", -- will be used to generate `doc/my_plugin.txt` files = { -- list the file you want used to generate vimdoc *IN ORDER* that they -- will appear in the vimdoc ".lua/my_plugin/init.lua", -- can simply list file(s) -- can optionally provide configuration for each file { ".lua/my_plugin/utils.lua", title = "UTIL", }, }, })
See [docgen.run()] for more information on the configuration options.
Run your script above from your shell eg.
nvim -l script/gendoc.lua
That's pretty much it. Any LuaCATS annotations in the files you listed will be used to generate the vimdoc for your plugin.
Each file provided to require("docgen").run
can have up to three parts:
A section header (which always exists) like so
========================================================================== DOCGEN *docgen.nvim*
The title of the section (on the left) and the tag (on the right) can be configured via the
options in [docgen.FileSection] respectively. -
A briefs section to discribe the main concepts in the given file/plugin (what you're reading now). See [docgen.briefs].
Type definitions for any classes defined in the file. See [docgen.classes].
Type definitions for any exported/public functions defined in the file. See [docgen.functions].
See :h docgen.nvim
for more info for now.
- lewis6991 on the Neovim core team for his work on the Neovim core doc gen script