Discord bot for notifications. Use this bot and config is self explanatory.
I do not host this bot for you at this time, I might another time, but right now, you have to. Sorry, but I don't have infinite servers. To run the bot, run the jar file by double clicking it, yes double clicking it. You do NOT need to create a batch file with Java -jar fsgkfgy etc. When it first runs, it should create two file in the directory, first file will be config.properties. Put your bot token in and any other settings like notifications role, and channel id for receiving commands. Second run, run the automatically created batch file in the directory, should be called runBot.bat. Also, don't rename stuff since it screws stuff up.
This bot does not provide notifications, webhooks can do that. The bot opts people in and out of a role, which you should give permissions to a specific channel. More updates coming soon. (You have to create the role yourself btw)
If you want to edit this code, I don't care but please inform me via idk how but that will be here soon. Give me credit for original code, but do what you want.