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Asymmetrik FHIR API Server

A Rest implementation for the ONC FHIR Challenge.


# npm
npm install @asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core --save

# yarn
yarn add @asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core


@asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core exposes a single function which takes a and returns a promise. You can give it server, auth, logging, and profile configurations. The full list of possible configurations is listed below under Config. At minimum, your config must include a server.port and one profile. Profiles must contain a service and each service must contain certain functions. You can view the requirements for each profile under Profiles.

You can see a fully built example that utilizes MongoDB for the backend at Also see Examples below.


Here is an example config with all the currently supported options. See descriptions below.

	auth: {
		clientId: 'my-client-id',
		secret: 'access token secret',
		discoveryUrl: '',
		protectedResourceClientId: 'protected-resource-id',
		protectedResourceClientSecret: 'protected-resource-secret',
		authorization_endpoint: '',
		token_endpoint: '',
		registration_endpoint: '',
		introspection_endpoint: '',
		issuer: '',
		jwkSet: {
			keys: [{
				kty: 'RSA',
				e: 'AQAB',
				kid: 'rsa1',
				alg: 'RS256',
				n: 'big_string'
	server: {
		port: 3000,
		corsOptions: {
			maxAge: 86400
		sessionStore: null,
		ssl: {
			key: 'path/to/key.pem',
			cert: 'path/to.cert.pem'
		publicDirectory: '/path/to/public'
	logging: {
		level: 'debug'
	profiles: {
		dstu2: {
			patient: {
				service: './patient/patient.controller',
				corsOptions: {
					// Have a different max age for all the routes in the patient profile
					maxAge: 3600
			observation: {
				service: require('./observation/observation.controller'),
				corsOptions: {
					// Disable cors on this profile, maybe this is for internal use only
					origin: false


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the resource server. All access tokens should have an aud value set to this value, otherwise they will not pass validation.
  • Required: true
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The secret key used to verify an access token's signature. If you are using a public key to verify the signature, use jwkSet.
  • Required: false
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: If the authorization server follows the OpenId Connect specification, this can be used to call the authentication server's discovery endpoint and set the following properties (unless they are explicitly overridden here): authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, registration_endpoint, introspection_endpoint, issuer, and jwkSet.
  • Required: false
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The Client ID given to this resource server to authorize the resource server to make calls to the introspection endpoint of the authentication server. This is only required if this resource server is using introspection when verifying a token.
  • Required: false
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The Client Secret given to this resource server to authorize the resource server to make calls to the introspection endpoint of the authentication server. This is only required if this resource server is using introspection when verifying a token.
  • Required: false
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The endpoint a client application must use to receive an access code as described by the OAuth2 standard.
  • Required: true
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The endpoint a client application must use to register their application with the authentication server.
  • Required: false
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The endpoint a client application must use to receive an access token as described by the OAuth2 standard.
  • Required: true
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The endpoint the resource server calls to introspect the token as described by RFC 662 OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection. If the authentication server does not support introspection, this is not required.
  • Required: false
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the authentication server. All access tokens should have an iss value set to this value, otherwise they will not pass validation.
  • Required: true
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: object
  • Description: A JSON Web Key (JWK) as described by RFC 7517. If there is more than one key, they each must have a key identifier kid so that the resource server knows which key to use when verifying a given access token. If you are using a private key to verify the signature, use secret.
  • Required: false
  • Default: undefined


  • Type: number
  • Description: Port the express app will listen to.
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: none


  • Type: object
  • Description: Any default cors options you would like applied to all routes. Please see for details. The methods configuration will not be honored if specified here. That is the only option controlled by @asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core and cannot be overridden.
  • Required: No
  • Default: none


  • Type: object
  • Description: Instance of an express-session. Depending on your back end, you can create and configure your own session store and pass it in. For example:
const session = require('express-session');
const expressSessionStore = session({
	resave: true,
	saveUninitialized: true,
	secret: appConfig.auth.sessionSecret,
	cookie: appConfig.auth.sessionCookie,
	store: new MongoStore({
		mongooseConnection: connection,
		collection: appConfig.auth.collection

const fhirConfig = {
	server: {
		sessionStore: expressSessionStore
  • Required: No
  • Default: none


  • Type: string
  • Description: Path to your private key. See Contributor's guide for how to generate a self-signed cert for local development.
  • Required: No. If you want to setup express to use ssl, you need both a key and cert.
  • Default: none


  • Type: string
  • Description: Path to your certificate. See Contributor's guide for how to generate a self-signed cert for local development.
  • Required: No. If you want to setup express to use ssl, you need both a key and cert.
  • Default: none


  • Type: string
  • Description: Path to your public directory. Some certificate authorities need to validate your server, for example, Let's Encrypt. You can use this to enable a public directory to serve the challenge file from /.well-known/acme-challenge.
  • Required: No.
  • Default: none


Currently this is the only logging configuration supported. We use Winston for logging and will eventually add support for more options.


Supported spec values at the moment are dstu2, with more coming soon. Supported key values are the config keys in the Profiles section below.

  • Type: string | object
  • Description: Path to a service or the actual module itself. Each service must conform to the profiles requirement.
  • Required: Yes. You must provide a service on a profile object. There must be at least one valid profile configuration for the server to run, otherwise it will throw an error stating the profiles configuration is invalid.
  • Default: none


Supported spec values at the moment are dstu2, with more coming soon. Supported key values are the config keys in the Profiles section below.

  • Type: object
  • Description: Set profile specific cors options. These will override the default corsOptions set in the server config. Please see for details. The methods configuration will not be honored if specified here. This is controlled by @asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core and cannot be overridden.
  • Required: No
  • Default: none


Currently we are only supporting profiles listed in the table below. As we add support for more profiles, we will update the documentation below with the necessary methods to support those profiles. You will also see which routes each method will enable in your implementation.

Profile Config Key Interface
Patient patient patient
Observation observation observation

Each method in your profile service will receive the following arguments:

  • req - The request object from Express
  • logger - A Winston logger instance
  • context - An object containing some additional contextual information. This currently only contains a version, which can be useful if you use the same service for multiple specs.

Here is an example implementation for a service method, in particular, patient.getCount:

// In patient service
module.exports.getCount = (req, logger, context) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'Patient >>> getCount');`Version >>> ${context.version}`);
	// Logs 'Version >>> dstu2' if this is from a dstu2 route
	// Do some async query to your data source here
	db.patients.count((err, count) => {
		if (err) {
			logger.error('Error with Patient.getCount');
			return reject(err);
		return resolve(count);



  • Description: Return the number of patients in your data store.
  • Required: Yes
  • Return: Promise.<number, Error>
  • Routes: Required for metadata. Count will show up in the capability statement under [spec]/metadata.


  • Description: Get the patient given an id in the req.params.
  • Required: Yes
  • Return: Promise.<object, Error>
  • Routes: Enables [spec]/patient/:id via GET
    • Example: dstu2/patient/2


  • Description: Get the patient given an one of several valid argument combinations in the req.query. Valid argument combinations include:
    • identifier
    • name + birthdate
    • name + gender
    • family + gender
    • given + gender
  • Required: Yes
  • Return: Promise.<object, Error>
  • Routes: Enables /[spec]/patient via GET and /[spec]/patient/_search via POST
    • Example: dstu2/patient/?foo=bar or dstu2/patient/_search?foo=bar



  • Description: Get the count of the number of observations.
  • Required: Yes
  • Return: Promise.<number, Error>
  • Routes: Required for metadata. Count will show up in the capability statement under [spec]/metadata.


  • Description: TODO
  • Required: Yes
  • Return: Promise.<object, Error>
  • Routes: Enables [spec]/observation/:id via GET
    • Example: dstu2/observation/2


  • Description: TODO
  • Required: Yes
  • Return: Promise.<object, Error>
  • Routes: Enables /[spec]/observation via GET and /[spec]/observation/_search via POST
    • Example: dstu2/observation/?foo=bar or dstu2/observation/_search?foo=bar


Setting up a https server with my own patient service

const fhirServerCore = require('@asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core');
const config = {
	server: {
		port: 3000,
		ssl: {
			key: path.resolve('./key.pem'),
			cert: path.resolve('./cert.pem')
	logging: {
		level: 'debug'
	profiles: {
		patient: {
			// Path to a service or the actual module
			service: require(path.resolve('./profiles/patient/patient.service'))

let main = async function () {
	// If the app fails to start, log the error
	let server = await fhirServerCore(config).catch(console.error);
	if (server) {
		server.logger.verbose('My FHIR Server is up and running!');`See it at https://localhost:${config.port}`);


Setting up a minimal dev server with my own patient service

const fhirServerCore = require('@asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core');
const config = {
	server: {
		port: 3000
	logging: {
		level: 'debug'
	profiles: {
		patient: {
			// Path to a service or the actual module
			service: require(path.resolve('./profiles/patient/patient.service'))

let main = async function () {
	// If the app fails to start, log the error
	let server = await fhirServerCore(config).catch(console.error);
	if (server) {
		server.logger.verbose('My FHIR Server is up and running!');`See it at http://localhost:${config.port}`);



Please see if interested in contributing.


This library makes use of node's path module. This is potentially exploitable in node version 8.5, see here. When deploying this, you need to deploy with a node version later than 7.6 BUT not 8.5.


@asymmetrik/node-fhir-server-core is MIT licensed.


Node FHIR Rest API Server







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