As a project manager, you use the CLA Management Console to manage your CLA group details, and view user signatures and companies.
To manage CLA groups:
- Sign in to the CLA management console
- Click a project of interest.
- Do any of the following actions:
You can change your CLA type selections if needed.
1. Click the gear icon next to the CLA group name.
The CLA Group dialog appears and shows your current CLA type selections.
2. Change the CLA Group Name, selections, or all, and click SAVE.
You can view the full set of signatures and list of approved contributors who are interacting with a project. A signature list shows details about who signed a CLA for your project.
Details for all user signatures appear:
- Type shows Company, Individual, or Employee depending on the CLA type that the user signed.
- Name identifies the individual or employee who signed the CLA.
- Company identifies the company that is associated with a Corporate CLA.
- GitHub ID shows the GitHub identity of the individual or employee.
- LFID shows the Linux Foundation identity of the individual or employee.
- Version identifies the version of the CLA.
- Date Signed shows the date that the individual, employee, or CLA signatory signed the CLA.
2. (Optional) Click a column header to sort the column values in ascending or descending order. Use the pagination options to go to subsequent or previous pages.
3. Click CLOSE.
The Corporate CLA list lets you see what companies in your project have a signed Corporate CLA.
1. Click VIEW COMPANIES on a Corporate CLA.
All companies that have signed the Corporate CLA are listed.
2. Click CLOSE.