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jasonsanjose edited this page Nov 6, 2014 · 5 revisions


Example Project

Official libsass template project:

  1. Follow the quick start guide
  2. Open the project in Brackets File > Open Folder...
  3. Add a .brackets.json (see below) file at the root of the project. This file does 2 things:
    1. Compile only scss/app.scss
    2. Setup the includePaths to pull in foundation
    3. Specify the output directory css/
    4. Enable source maps
  4. Make some change to scss/app.scss
  5. See compiled CSS and source map in css/app.css and css/
  6. DONE!


    "path": {
        "scss/app.scss": {
            "sass.enabled": true,
            "sass.options": {
                "includePaths": [
                "outputDir": "../css/",
                "imagePath": null,
                "sourceComments": "map",
                "outputStyle": "nested"
            "linting.collapsed": false
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