Assignment 1: Vehicle using Processing
Assignment 2: Demonstrate the Mid Point Algorithm using Processing
Assignment 3: Demonstrate drawing of Multiple Polygon drawing using Processing
Assignment 4: Demonstrate line clipping using Processing
Assignmnet 5: Simple GLUT based application to draw Pie Chart
Assignment 6: Simple 3D Geometries drawing in GLUT
Assignment 7: Simple animation of 3D objects
Assignment 8:
Assignment 9: Lights
Assignment 10: Fog
Assignment 11: Tesselation using gluTess
Lab Exam 1: Demonstrate Gradient generation algorithm using Processing
Lab Exam 2: Implement a scene to show Diwali
Compiling instructions for the Assignmnets 5 to 11 are a part of the corresponding directory.
The OpenGL Assignments make use of multiple libraries as listed:
Freeglut - Window Management
SOIL - Texture Handling
glm - Vector Mathematics