Message from the Loop and Learn Team:
- We have taken responsibility for updates to the Loop Follow app
- Additional Loop Follow documentation is at Loop and Learn: Loop Follow
- If you are having problems with the app:
- Post in the Loop and Learn Facebook group; indicate that your question is related to Loop Follow
- If you do not use Facebook - please click on this link to file an Issue with your problem
New location for LoopFollow Repository:
- If you previously created a fork of LoopFollow from the JonFawcett username
- Please note the repository name has changed to
- GitHub should automatically redirect you to this new address
- We have also modifed one branch and one file name to match standard conventions: main (from Main) and (from
Message from Jon Fawcett:
- Because our family now uses Omnipod 5, I will no longer be involved in updating LoopFollow
- I have transferred the LoopFollow repository from the JonFawcett to the loopandlearn username
- I will also no longer provide an option for a TestFlight invitation from me. (Jon Fawcett)
- You must build the app yourself.
Message to Developers
- If you are interested in assisting with this app and want to work on new features and improvements for Loop, iAPS and Nightscout functionality, please reach out.
- Issues and Pull Requests in GitHub are monitored and will get a response.
- Please always direct your PR to the dev branch.
Using so many different apps as a parent or caregiver of a T1D can be very cumbersome. Add in the extra details from Looping and it can be a challenge flipping back and forth between apps. Each app has different strengths and weaknesses.
- Spike is great for alarms.
- Spike and Sugarmate are great for the calendar complication on Apple Watch.
- Nightscout X or Nightscout in Safari are needed for intricate details from NS.
- IFTTT and Pushover are needed for Not Looping alerts.
And there are some functions I've always wished for and not found anywhere such a one-time temporary alert for those nights when Loop is stuck on high and you open loop with a correction. This lets you set a higher low alert for the BG you want to wake up to and close Loop.
Please see Loop and Learn: Loop Follow for all the building options.
Please review the list on Loop and Learn: Loop Follow which may be updated more frequently than this file.
- scrollable/scalable graph display with BG, basal, bolus, and carb details plus Loop status, Loop Prediction, and the General NS Care portal info.
- Override DND and system volume for all alerts.
- snoozes per alert, presnooze, edit existing snooze, and snooze all alert settings.
- the standard Low/High, Urgent Low/High, and missed reading alerts with additonal option to select persistence; for example, alert when high for x minutes.
- fast drop/rise alerts with BG limits; for example, alert for fast drop only when glucose is below specific value.
- sage/cage reminder alerts for x hours before change.
- Not Looping with glucose limits alert: you can configure the alert if under or over a glucose range.
- Missed Bolus alert.
- calendar entries to use watch complication with BG, arrow, delta, cob, iob and minutes ago (if old reading).
- background silent audio to keep iOS from killing the app. This is why it can’t go in the App Store for just a simple download.
- This is a DIY open source project that may or may not function as you expect. You take full responsibility for building and running this app and do so at your own risk.