Movie Rec provides movie recommendation based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Given a set of SVD fills unrated movies based on the ratings of other users. Usage::
cd [path]/MovieRecommender
python movierec/ -u [movie_IDs] -p [path_to_json_file]
python movierec/ -u 3 10 50 63 -p movies_data/movies.json
(Note: argument '-p' is by default 'movies_data/movies.json')
If movirec used as a package:
import json
from movierec.movie_recommender import MovieRecommender
user_pref = [movie_ID1, movie_ID2, ..., movie_IDn]
path = 'some_path/movies.json'
data = json.load(open(path, 'rb'))
recommendation = MovieRecommender(data).recommend(user_pref)
Run the following commands from movierec root folder:
easy_install pip (only if you don't have pip installed)
make init
For installing movierec package:
- make install
pip install nose (if you don't have installed nose)
make test