Please check the FAQ section for troubleshooting use ctrl+click on links
- Karate requires Java 8 (at least version 1.8.0_112 or greater) and then either Maven or Eclipse to be installed.
- Git Installation
- Docker installation
- A nice video intro to docker concepts on windows
- If you have a windows machine. please do the steps in this blog and then download docker installer and run it. Also consider switching to a mac.
- SourceTree GIT GUI
- VSCode text editor
- Cmdr command line emulation to run different type of terminals and shell on Windows and make it look cool!! it also allows you to use zShell
- ZShell Command Autocompletion??:astonished:
Karate is a behaviour driven automated testing framework designed to test all kinds of web services using the Cucumber Gherkin Syntax. Karate requires Java 8 (at least version 1.8.0_112 or greater) and then either Maven, Gradle or Eclipse to be installed.
Docker Is used to run the API tests either locally or in a CI/CD environment
Jenkins Is the CI/CD tool to run karate tests on a scheduled daily runs. With trend reporting. We will be using the Jenkins Pipeline Script to build our jobs. This a devops owned tool and therefore please contact your devops liasion for getting access and creating jobs.
- Fork this repository
- Rename the 'myproject' directory according to project name
- Update pom.xml file using the comments in the file as guidelines.
- Update karate-config.js using comments as guidelines. for documentation please click here.
- Update file, using the comments in the file as guidelines.
- Update docker-composeQA.yml files accordingly, using the comments in the file as guidelines.
- Update .gitignore files accordingly, using the comments in the file as guidelines
Please make sure to follow the Folder Structure Guidlines.
- Navigate to examples directory
- Create a new directory
- Recommendation: Make a directory per endpoint
- Navigate to newly made directory
- Create a
The file should have the following contents
package examples.posts; import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions; import; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; @RunWith(Karate.class) @CucumberOptions(tags = {"@debug","~@ignore"}) public class PostsRunner {} // please update the class name accordingly
- Please note:
- CucumberOptions allows you to run or not run specific tags. so in the above code it will run all files in the directory which has the
attached to it either on the Feature or Scenario
- CucumberOptions allows you to run or not run specific tags. so in the above code it will run all files in the directory which has the
- Please note:
Create a Feature file
, with the following contents@debug // Since we want to run this feature file using the DirectoryRunner Test class Feature: Testing calls to posts endpoint Background: This is basically the area where you set up Test Data and declare variables that are available to every Scenario. The Background Section runs before every Scenario * url baseUrl // setting up the baseUrl for tests. please check karate-config.js file Scenario: Testing Get call to posts endpoint Given path 'posts' When Method GET Then status 200 // this is an assertion step as well // karate provides match keyword for Assertions Then match response[0].id == 1
Run the test
- In your terminal type
mvn clean test -D test=PostsRunner
. The test will run using the karate's own built in runner class will give out a debugging html report in the console output - It is recommended to remove the
tag after completing scripting of a test
- In your terminal type
Congratulations! you have taken the first step towards Karate Automation Engineer 😤
Open console in the myproject
To run all tests in a specific environment mvn clean test -DargLine="-Dkarate.env=qa"
just change the karate.env value to the needed environment.
To run a specific test in a specific environment mvn clean test -DargLine="-Dkarate.env=qa" -D test=dashboardrunner
Default environment is qa therefore mvn clean test will run all tests in parallel in the QA env
mvn clean test -D test=dashboardrunner
will run the specified suite in the QA env
Running all tests will generate a Pretty Html Report under the target directory. Running single tests will generate a report. the path to which will be in the console output.
Docker provides us a way to run our tests anywhere, only requirment? Latest Version of Docker is installed!
A reference to the docker-compose.yml
file syntax can be found here
From your console docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Docker is 🆒
Must read Sections from the original karate documentation
- Folder Structure
- Naming Conventions
- Running Tests
- Running Tests in Parallel
- Switch Environment Using Command Line
- Karate Config File
- Script Structure
- Using Variables
- Reading other Files e.g. Data Files or Json Files
- Request Headers
- Assertions
- Manipulating Data
- Fuzzy Matching
- Scenario Outline
Karate uses Json-Path out of the box to retrieve, set, remove and replace data from a JSON. This Document is good to learn jsonpath. And to test your Json paths
- For docker-compose, getting error
Cannot create container for service karate
In docker settings in shared drives section, make sure you have shared drive enabled. docker/for-win#77 (comment)
Hyper-V errors when running Docker on windows follow this
Docker for Windows error:
Hardware assisted virtualization and data execution protection must be enabled in the BIOS
Karate has a dedicated TAG on Stack Overflow and you can reach out to me and my colleagues!
Authors Note: Karate is developed by Peter Thomas. I recommend very strongly to go through the karate documentation and look the Karate Demo Examples.
[Jawad Kalia] 😎