JS less Slide Show component using Fadeshow
The Slide show default height is 100vh , to cover the full view port as a Hero Slider
the class for the height is:
overwrite it in your theme if you need a custom height
this theme is set up to work with machu pichu
Machu Pichu set up
Open the terminal or command line in the same folder where you have donwload this theme once there run:
mp unpack
That's it! you are ready to go
The css minified file for fadeshow should be in
To use the fadeshow sass custom desing read the instruccions at Fadeshow
and then compile css-fadeshow.scss
into stylesheets/fadeshow/css/css-fadeshow.min.css
if you dont have sass you'll have to install it, Install Sass
open the terminal in the same folder as css-fadeshow.scss
and then run the command
sass css-fadeshow.scss:../css/css-fadeshow.min.css --style compressed
to get a minified css file
In the last version of the scss of fadeshow the file theme-quicknav.scss
that would be located at stylesheets/fadeshow/scss/theme/themes/classic/theme-quicknav.scss
its broken in the line 8 here:
&:hover {
opacity: 1;
you can comment or erase these lines without any issues.
if you wish to use your own forked version of fadeshow, just change the url at manifest.scl
and add your own here
fadeshow = {
url = "https://github.com/alexerlandsson/css-fadeshow", #your own forked url goes here