This tool tracks the size of the Javascript binary, minified and gzipped, produced by dart2js.
The dart file fed into dart2js is here as main.dart.
We compile it using dart2js --minify main.dart -o main.dart.js && gzip -9 main.dart.js
As of Dart 1,0 (r30798), that binary is 182KB minified and gzipped.
For comparison, the AngularJS 1.2.0 binary is 36KB, minified and gzipped.
- checkout Dart's standalone configuration into dart/standalone (TODO: make this a grunt task)
- run
grunt build_dart:<rev>
- run
grunt build_angular:<rev>
- run
grunt dart2js
- check history.json for the size of the output in bytes.
We want your help, especially if you can make update @MirrorsUsed in main.dart to generate a smaller binary.