giter8 template to get an Android sbt project up and running in a matter of seconds
To use this template, g8 needs to be installed first. Read g8's readme.
All done? Now fire up your favorite shell and enter
g8 jberkel/android-app
cd <name-of-app>
sbt android:package-debug
Your android sbt project contains 2 subprojects:
- MainProject
- generated AndroidManifest.xml
- Activity.scala (the "hello world" activity)
- TestProject (tests)
- Integration tests, see Android Testing
$ sbt
$ android:emulator-start <tab>
$ android:install-emulator
$ sbt
> test
[info] Specs:
[info] a spec
[info] - should do something
[info] Passed: : Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1, Skipped 0
The main apk under test needs to be installed first. Then:
$ sbt
> project tests
> android:install-emulator
> android:test-emulator
[info] Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=...
[info] Time: 1.492
[info] OK (3 tests)