Wraps requests such that ClojureScript is conditionally (re)compiled before being served.
If you have ClojureScript source code in cljs/src/
and your HTML is including cljs/bootstrap.js
(use 'ring.middleware.clojurescript)
(defn app [req] ...)
(def cljsc-app (wrap-clojurescript app "cljs"))
Optionally, you can use the options dictionary to override those path defaults, as well as provide extra arguements to the ClojureScript compiler:
(wrap-clojurescript app "cljs" {:output-to "resources/js/myapp.js"
:optimizations :advanced})
You may also use the command line version, which accepts the same style of arguements:
lein -m ring.middleware.clojurescript 'cljs' '{:optimizations :advanced}'
Copyright (C) 2011 Jim Blomo
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.