Bash script that allows to query several MijiaV2 sensors one by one and the information is sent to influxdb.
2 scripts available, the poller and the init.d.
source of inspiration:
- Update the raspbian distribution :
sudo apt update & sudo apt upgrade
- update the firmware :
sudo rpi-update
- copy the files directly into their respective places and make them executable :
curl -o /usr/local/sbin/mijiav2
curl -o /etc/init.d/mijiav2
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/mijiav2 & chmod +x etc/init.d/mijiav2
change addMAC , please quote the addresses : ex: addMAC = ("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" "11:22:33:44:55:66")
Add label corresponding for each MAC address, of course with the same constraints. : ex: ("Vitre\ Salon" "Salon" "Chambre\ Mathilde" "Chambre\ Parent")
change influxDB IP : influxDB=""
change the name of the influxDB database : _db="temperature"
- Simply as a service :
sudo systemctl start mijiav2.service
- Enable the service :
sudo systemctl enable mijiav2.service
It is a simple solution to capture data from these small sensors from Xiaomi.
It doesn't wait stupidly after a timeout, this is made possible by a file that counts lines every second.
no multiple parallel connection, no threading. Without saying anything stupid, I don't think the raspberry's bluetooth supports it.