Utility functions to distort and undistort an image or a set of points. The code is for the most part ported over from OpenCV to native Julia.
using ImageDistortion
OpenCV implements the following distortion model
This implementation currently only supports the k1, k2, k3, p1, p2 parameters. They are represented by distcoeffs where a sample distcoeffs is in the form
distcoeffs = [k1, k2, p1, p2, k3]
In general, this package has functions to move around the blocks illustrated above.
The function distortpoints takes a matrix of shape (n,2) representing points (e.g. [0 0; 10 15; 32 10]) and firstly undoes the linear distortion provided by newcameramatrix and subsequently applies nonlinear distortion by distcoeffs, followed by a linear distortion by cameramatrix
points = [10 23; 100 100.3; 23.1 20.5]
distortedpoints = distortpoints(points, cameramatrix=[517.3 0 318.6; 0 516.5 244.3; 0 0 1], distcoeffs=[0.2624, -0.9531, -0.0054, 0.0026, 1.1633], cameramatrix=[517.3 0 318.6; 0 516.5 244.3; 0 0 1])
The function undistortpoints takes a matrix of shape (n,2) representing points (e.g. [0 0; 10 15; 32 10]) and undoes the linear distortion given by cameramatrix, undoes the nonlinear distortion by distcoeffs, and optionally reapplies a linear distortion by newcameramatrix
points = [10 23; 100 100.3; 23.1 20.5]
undistortedpoints = undistortpoints(points, cameramatrix=[517.3 0 318.6; 0 516.5 244.3; 0 0 1], distcoeffs=[0.2624, -0.9531, -0.0054, 0.0026, 1.1633])
The function get_optimalnewcameramatrix outputs a new camera matrix that transforms an undistorted image (in normalized coordinates) to one that contains all the information in the original source image if the parameter alpha = 0, or to one that has no missing information (i.e. no black parts in the image) if alpha = 1. A value of alpha in between does some mixture of the two extremes.
K_original = [517.3 0 318.6; 0 516.5 244.3; 0 0 1] # camera calibration of raw image
d_orignal = [0.2624, -0.9531, -0.0054, 0.0026, 1.1633]; # distortion coefficients of raw image
newcameramatrix = get_optimalnewcameramatrix(cameramatrix=K_original, distcoeffs=d_orignal, imgsize=(640,480), alpha=0, newimgsize=(640,480))
The function init_undistortrectifymap precomputes the map shown above.
K_original = [517.3 0 318.6; 0 516.5 244.3; 0 0 1] # camera calibration of raw image
d_orignal = [0.2624, -0.9531, -0.0054, 0.0026, 1.1633]; # distortion coefficients of raw image
newcameramatrix = get_optimalnewcameramatrix(cameramatrix=K_original, distcoeffs=d_orignal, imgsize=(640,480), alpha=0, newimgsize=(640,480))
xmap, ymap = init_undistortrectifymap(cameramatrix=K_original, distcoeffs=d_orignal, newcameramatrix=newcameramatrix, imgsize=(640,480))
The function remap uses bilinear interpolation to generate the domain of the maps which are generally computed by init_undistortrectifymap
K_original = [517.3 0 318.6; 0 516.5 244.3; 0 0 1] # camera calibration of raw image
d_orignal = [0.2624, -0.9531, -0.0054, 0.0026, 1.1633]; # distortion coefficients of raw image
newcameramatrix = get_optimalnewcameramatrix(cameramatrix=K_original, distcoeffs=d_orignal, imgsize=(640,480), alpha=0, newimgsize=(640,480))
xmap, ymap = init_undistortrectifymap(cameramatrix=K_original, distcoeffs=d_orignal, newcameramatrix=newcameramatrix, imgsize=(640,480))
newimg = remap(src, xmap, ymap)